Artie signed 4yrs $9.59mm

paranos I would never get portfolio advice from you. He should be 60% stocks 30% bonds 10% metals.. He's young he can afford high risk

Hey A-hole he may be young but he has 5 people depending on him now as their sole provider. Stop trying to give out advice from your investing for dummies book, he needs wealth protection that generates some cash now so he can use to supplement his NFL income while reinvesting the rest . If Artie Burns gets hurt who is going support his brothers, girlfriend and infant child, especially when the markets start to correct themselves as the Fed raises rates and we go through a volatile election then its aftermath.

An FYI I was a commodity analyst for 8 years for the 3rd largest global commodity company. After that I went to work for a company managing a $600M Portfolio of Municipal Waste Franchises so I know the utilities and refuse markets very will, an by default the inner workings of public administration.

All the instruments I suggested are practically recession proof and low volatility. People will always use utility companies, as for waste management as they say three things that one can never avoid are death, taxes, and garbage. As for HOA liens, they are 1st order liens so in order to obtain a clean title they must be satisfied and they supersede everything except a Tax Certificate. An most times either the bank or homeowner or potential home buyer will pay you a premium to satisfy the HOA lien and prevent you from taking possession of the home. This is a basic explanation by the way

Tax Certificates you can look up yourself it is to long of process to explain.

The section 8 housing is guaranteed rental payment and by purchasing in a school zone you will not have to worry about illegal activities at your property. You as owner just need to keep the property well maintained (no slum lords) which you would want to do as descent person anyway. There plenty of cities were one can buy a house for $10k - $30k and rent it out for $600 - $1000/month, so finding roughly 15 homes to rent out averging $800\month will generate roughly $10k\month less 20% for the property manager ,expenses, tax's, etc. Also leaving $50k out of the intial $400k as a maintenance reserve would be prudent.

Hopefully you learned something today. Please don't hijack this thread, it is supposed to be a congratulatory thread for a young man securing his families future, not a poster ****ing contest.

Go Canes

Go Canes

Dammn!! He ethered this post... Good shxt I'm screen shotting this right now. Lol

LOL at this nincompoop taking advice from DannyBoy.
[MENTION=4841]The Franchise[/MENTION] either prove what I said is wrong or STFU while adults are having a conversation.

Go Canes
[MENTION=4841]The Franchise[/MENTION] either prove what I said is wrong or STFU while adults are having a conversation.

Go Canes

Paranos, I respect your viewpoint, but all investment is a risk. You are biased by your experience, like we all are. Ultimately, investing is a philosophy and there are advantages and disadvantages to each of the opportunities you mentioned. I know you're well aware of these risks, but given you said "prove what I said is wrong", I figured it would be fair to provide links explaining some of the risk.

Disadvantages to utilities: What is the downside of investing in the utility sector? | Investopedia

Waste management: 403 Forbidden

HOA liens: The Pros & Cons Of Tax Lien Investing
Hope he gets some good advice on where to invest it...

For long term low risk returns since he has soooo many mouths depending on Artie I would suggest taking $2 million to create a portfolio of 5% Cash, 25% gold, 15% tax certificates , 15% to purchase HOA liens, 20% stocks (with 50% being Utilities & waste Management stocks that are dividend focused), 20% to buy section 8 housing within 1500ft of schools ( he can hire a prop. Mgmt. Co to handle this).

A diversified portfolio like this should return 10-15% ever year after expenses with very little volatility risk.

Go Canes

Are you a Certified Financial Planner?

To say you'll get (or should get) a 10-15% return with very little risk is something you should never say to a prospective client. Ever. No investment or asset allocation strategy exists that can get you a yearly 10-15% return without at least a decent amount of risk.

All you can do is play odds and attenuate risk, based on historical data. There are also many other factors in play such as the risk averse profile of the investor, his time horizon, his need for liquidity, I can go on and on.

Nice try, though
I was not a certified financial planner, I was the guy they came to for market advice. If you read everything I posted you would see I was a commodity analyst for several years pricing grain and meat futures.

But nice try on your part.

Go Canes
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LOL at throwing out that being a run of the mill commodities analyst qualifies anyone to provide sound investment and financial advice to an individual investor.

My previous post about the validity of your claims stands because it's correct and makes sense.
I highly doubt that Artie Burns is going to consult the CanesInSight message board hoping for sound financial
I highly doubt that Artie Burns is going to consult the CanesInSight message board hoping for sound financial

Hope all of these kids know that they only get half that number signed and it only comes over a 17 week stretch of the year. I know 3 guys that never realized that. One Signed for 2 million and thought they could spend the 2 million. Nope. You get to spend 1 million over 17 weeks and then live on someone's floor for the other 35 weeks. Then get out of football and sell carpet for $35,000 a year for the rest of your life with no college education.
LOL at throwing out that being a run of the mill commodities analyst qualifies anyone to provide sound investment and financial advice to an individual investor.

My previous post about the validity of your claims stands because it's correct and makes sense.

Just by that ignorant statement I can tell that you are full of crap. I was a Sr Analyst for the Worlds 3rd largest Commodity trading company, I priced $10-$15 million dollars worth of futures contracts daily. So I am more than qualified to give my suggestions on investing to an individual or institution.

An as I mentioned in my previous posts Artie is the sole provider for 5 people so he needs his investments to generate cash to supplement his NFL income (which is only for paid out over few month's ). Those investments need to be low risk hence why i suggested gold, and Tax certificates. As for liquidity needs that is where the Section 8 rental income is beneficial.

As for The HOA liens which can be messy but can provide great returns.
Here is a text book case on how it is done
Action 9: HOA sells Port Orange family's home over $2K debt | WFTV

What's your back ground Mr Big Talker, how many financial instruments have you priced?

Go Canes
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I'm very happy for Artie. You need to play with supreme confidence, or else you'll lose again, and then losing becomes a habit.
LOL at throwing out that being a run of the mill commodities analyst qualifies anyone to provide sound investment and financial advice to an individual investor.

My previous post about the validity of your claims stands because it's correct and makes sense.

Just by that ignorant statement I can tell that you are full of crap. I was a Sr Analyst for the Worlds 3rd largest Commodity trading company, I priced $10-$15 million dollars worth of futures contracts daily. So I am more than qualified to give my suggestions on investing to an individual or institution.

An as I mentioned in my previous posts Artie is the sole provider for 5 people so he needs his investments to generate cash to supplement his NFL income (which is only for paid out over few month's ). Those investments need to be low risk hence why i suggested gold, and Tax certificates. As for liquidity needs that is where the Section 8 rental income is beneficial.

As for The HOA liens which can be messy but can provide great returns.
Here is a text book case on how it is done
Action 9: HOA sells Port Orange family's home over $2K debt | WFTV

What's your back ground Mr Big Talker, how many financial instruments have you priced?

Go Canes

Actually, you are not qualified to give investment and financial advice to investors. If what you're saying is correct, you're qualified to price futures contract in grains and pork bellies, Mortimer. That's it. Don't get ahead of yourself.