2024 Artavius Jones 4* DT from Blountstown FL

Yea kendal and stone aren't happening 😂

I See You Wtf GIF by For(bes) The Culture
he's not committing tomorrow, wants to take fall trips ... per gaby
Normally I wouldn’t care. But a dtackle of that caliber and athleticism is gonna get everything thrown at him.
Let’s see where he visits.
But he’s not too far away from a school that has a drag racing problem and that’s concerning.
Link to @Geo305 June 27 recruiting space



  • Geo likes where we're at
  • Has a LOT of family in the area
  • Will be a Cane if they give him the green light. Concern may be space/slots for DTs
  • Geo sees him in the class
  • Geo clarified that Miami finds a way to fit him in even if there's a number crunch. Too special.
If we give him the green light???? LMAO! That's hilarious! The green light? :rk5i6fxwjlgev5j6.jpg::ibis-roflmao-sm3:
As if we were in the position of telling any DT of his caliber to hold off.
In the Lightfoot instant reaction podcast, Gaby says a July 4th commitment is still on the table based on his latest intel.

C’mon baby, inject it into my veins. Throw him an extra smidge from the Scott pot to get him to commit early.

Lightfoot and Jones b2b and like the great Pop Smoke said (RIP)

“I’m feelin’ horny”

(Fully embrace @Confidence1000 giving me a fine for this)