Are we just *****ing and....

They will not care until the planes start flying and season tickets go unrenewed. Then beat downs will hurt mark. They kept Al beyond reason.
Just curious what everyone thinks. Are we just *****ing and moaning for the **** of it, or are we haveing some influence on the BOT, boosters or others close to the program?
At some point it should have some effect there is just no excuse for this putrid performance. Every one knows we should be better than the product we are seeing on the field
This. Firing a coach doesn't ensure greener pastures. We have to find a way to build upon Richt's strengths and fix his weaknesses.
I agree with you 100%. He could be a good coach if gets the **** out of his own way. Be the CEO not the OC, get a dynamic OC in here, get a good Oline coach in here, get a QB coach that knows what the **** he is doing. Do your ******* job of overseeing all three phases of the team and not just the O. His focus on play calling has allowed ST to go down the drain. D is respectable still.
I think Richt could be a good coach, he just need to get his organization structured properly and with the right people. He needs to make some tough decisions this off season. Can he do it? We will see.
Just curious what everyone thinks. Are we just *****ing and moaning for the **** of it, or are we haveing some influence on the BOT, boosters or others close to the program?

I havent gone to a game since 2016. Had gone to several or all every year since 1980.

If everyone did just that ( dont go), just once, Richt would be gone. A zero attendance would do it.
"We" ain't paying the bills. If the boosters are echoing what we say, then it's a different story. Here's the thing, even UF couldn't find another Urban Meyer. Even FSU couldn't find another Jimbo Fisher. Our real hope is that an Athletic Director who has a true eye for coaching talent, winds up working for Miami. That's it. Don't expect Paul Dee, Kriby Hocutt, Sean Eichorst or Blake James to know WTF they are talking about when signing contracts.
100% in agreement, every AD should have a short list of candidates ready at all times
major issue at UM his awful Senior leadership AD/BOT
They will not care until the planes start flying and season tickets go unrenewed. Then beat downs will hurt mark. They kept Al beyond reason.

and players quit on cmr, no bowl game, recruits decommit, former Canes chime in, and then the media wakes up and piles on.

It's a process.
At this point I'd settle for the 9 win coach I thought Richt was when we hired him. Instead we got a 90yo senile old man in a 58yo body who runs an offense that wouldn't have been considered innovative when they wore leather helmets.

*****in and Moanin basically.