Are the coaches telling


Nov 6, 2011
Kids not to commit until signing day? Seems like we havent had a commit in a few weeks but keep hearing rumors of locks, silents, and etc..
Kids not to commit until signing day? Seems like we havent had a commit in a few weeks but keep hearing rumors of locks, silents, and etc..

I thought the same thing. I think it's just we've had bad luck on SD for the past 10 years the sky is falling. I think Richt is just that chill of a dude thag he lets the kids be kids. That means a lot to a 17-19 year old.
NSD is a couple of weeks away. These kids want their moment in the spotlight, let them have it.

A lot of the recruits that are high priority targets for us have said they are announcing on NSD. Maybe we have silents..who knows, but this is how it is with the big time prospects every year.
Very few commit this close to NSD unless it's for a TV appearance or something along the lines of what McFarland is doing with Bleacher Report
Brown said we had some guys silently committed. Wonder who he was talking about
It definitely seems like it. We aren't seeing a lot of late offers, so they must know or feel very confident about the targets at the very least
I don't think the staff is telling them to stay silent. It's usually better that they come forward. It's more possible many of these kids want their moment on NSD to (hopefully) put on a cane hat. As long as they end up in Coral Gables I couldn't care less how extravagant the announcement is.
This close to NSD its more common for undecided kids to just wait to announce. Also treadmill.
I don't think the staff is telling them to stay silent. It's usually better that they come forward. It's more possible many of these kids want their moment on NSD to (hopefully) put on a cane hat. As long as they end up in Coral Gables I couldn't care less how extravagant the announcement is.

Not always IMO. Early in the process, yes....totally agree. It drives good attention and shows top level kids want to be here. Plus, those kids can help recruit, like Deejay. However, this late, it might be better to keep things private. First, committing late or flipping to Miami could bring them unnecessary pressure for the last few weeks. That pressure is not only bad for them, but could be bad for us if it becomes overwhelming and they change their mind. Also, going public could push other potential recruits away from considering us anymore.
Didn't Bowden used to do this? Probably some of that has rubbed off on CMR.
I'm in the boat that thinks Richt wants these kids to announce Miami on signing day. It's a marketing tool and creates a lot of momentum around the program if you have big name guys (McFarland, Thomas, etc) announcing Miami.
I'm in the boat that thinks Richt wants these kids to announce Miami on signing day. It's a marketing tool and creates a lot of momentum around the program if you have big name guys (McFarland, Thomas, etc) announcing Miami.

I wouldn't have believed this possible under last 3 staffs. But you may be right here. Richt's crew sure doesn't seem to be sweating out the close. Hope that's not hubris. Would love to get an unexpected flip our way, too, like Slaton. In CRM we trust.
I'm in the boat that thinks Richt wants these kids to announce Miami on signing day. It's a marketing tool and creates a lot of momentum around the program if you have big name guys (McFarland, Thomas, etc) announcing Miami.

At this point... I'll remain even....I'm not getting "suckered" into believing pure speculation.
When is the last time we got more than a couple commits on signing day that weren't already assumed to be coming?
NSD is a week and a half away so its not just about the coaches for most the HS wants the announcements so its a good look for them. They love the media buzz that day brings especially when ESPN or a website does the announcement live
I don't think the staff is telling them to stay silent. It's usually better that they come forward. It's more possible many of these kids want their moment on NSD to (hopefully) put on a cane hat. As long as they end up in Coral Gables I couldn't care less how extravagant the announcement is.

hahahaha lol i can dig that. true cane love it!!