AQM give me facts

I told you guys this had nothing to do with the staff or even the administration. The protocol is set in stone and some ****** students decided to suspend one of our most talented football players for defending his son.

There is no way that a student honor council has the final say on whether a kid gets suspended.

Read the Code of Conduct and related procedure. The accused has the right to appeal, but the adjudicative body includes students. And the appeals are never successful. This is not a novel concept. From the beginning of academia, students have been empowered to enforce codes of conduct.
That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

The university wants very much to maintain a safe, comfortable environment, in which students can learn and enjoy life on campus. Acts of violence against students are considered extremely serious. AQM deserves fair treatment, but if they think he beat up a student, he's gone at least for a semester. To have avoided expulsion, he would have had to convince them that a repetition was extremely unlikely. He evidently did that, a fact that speaks well for him.
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That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

I read the other dude slammed door knocking over AQM's child. Then, like any father would do, AQM punched the guy.
That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

The university wants very much to maintain a safe, comfortable environment, in which students can learn and enjoy life on campus. Acts of violence against students are considered extremely serious. AQM deserves fair treatment, but if they think he beat up a student, he's gone at least for a semester. To have avoided expulsion, he would have had to convince them that a repetition was extremely unlikely. He evidently did that, a fact that speaks well for him.

It is BS. He was defending his child
That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

The university wants very much to maintain a safe, comfortable environment, in which students can learn and enjoy life on campus. Acts of violence against students are considered extremely serious. AQM deserves fair treatment, but if they think he beat up a student, he's gone at least for a semester. To have avoided expulsion, he would have had to convince them that a repetition was extremely unlikely. He evidently did that, a fact that speaks well for him.

This dude sounds like another member of that rat squad student committee.
That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

The university wants very much to maintain a safe, comfortable environment, in which students can learn and enjoy life on campus. Acts of violence against students are considered extremely serious. AQM deserves fair treatment, but if they think he beat up a student, he's gone at least for a semester. To have avoided expulsion, he would have had to convince them that a repetition was extremely unlikely. He evidently did that, a fact that speaks well for him.

So in other words even if you don't start the fight but you end up winning it. You get in trouble and suspended while the other kid gets to walk the stage and graduate. Makes perfect sense
That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

I read the other dude slammed door knocking over AQM's child. Then, like any father would do, AQM punched the guy.

If that is all that AQM did, I doubt that he would have been suspended. I have heard it said that AQM "beat the *** out of him...." So accounts vary. A couple of problems we have here are that much of what we hear is slanted one way or the other, and another is that people believe what they prefer to believe.
That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

I read the other dude slammed door knocking over AQM's child. Then, like any father would do, AQM punched the guy.

If that is all that AQM did, I doubt that he would have been suspended. I have heard it said that AQM "beat the *** out of him...." So accounts vary. A couple of problems we have here are that much of what we hear is slanted one way or the other, and another is that people believe what they prefer to believe.

Don't word smith. He kicked another grown mans *** for slamming a door into his child.
That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

The university wants very much to maintain a safe, comfortable environment, in which students can learn and enjoy life on campus. Acts of violence against students are considered extremely serious. AQM deserves fair treatment, but if they think he beat up a student, he's gone at least for a semester. To have avoided expulsion, he would have had to convince them that a repetition was extremely unlikely. He evidently did that, a fact that speaks well for him.

This dude sounds like another member of that rat squad student committee.

he kinda looks like a rat too.... reminds me of a young version of splinter from the Ninja turtles

That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

The university wants very much to maintain a safe, comfortable environment, in which students can learn and enjoy life on campus. Acts of violence against students are considered extremely serious. AQM deserves fair treatment, but if they think he beat up a student, he's gone at least for a semester. To have avoided expulsion, he would have had to convince them that a repetition was extremely unlikely. He evidently did that, a fact that speaks well for him.

This dude sounds like another member of that rat squad student committee.

he kinda looks like a rat too.... reminds me of a young version of splinter from the Ninja turtles


OMG wtf? Is that splinter? My childhood flashed before me.
The decision was apparently made by Student Affairs and Gilberto Arias of that department along with another person in that department. I assume students were involved in the decision but realistically they are easily guided by the university officials and Patricia Whitely.

Questions that must be answered yet by Student Affairs is why was Muhammad prosecuted after the Coral Gables police cleared him?

Why was the other party allowed to graduate as he was equally at fault according to the police if they didn't prosecute?

Was the other party white or black?

I don't believe that Student Affairs has heard the last of this......
Did anyone even end up in the hospital. .. **** cause to kick a guy out of school for a fight is pretty harsh mane... no weapons.. really??? Smh
That's a real b! Tch *** call.. just for a fight. And why does the student council get to make that call.. aren't administrative people getting paid big bucks to make that decision

I read the other dude slammed door knocking over AQM's child. Then, like any father would do, AQM punched the guy.

If that is all that AQM did, I doubt that he would have been suspended. I have heard it said that AQM "beat the *** out of him...." So accounts vary. A couple of problems we have here are that much of what we hear is slanted one way or the other, and another is that people believe what they prefer to believe.

Don't word smith. He kicked another grown mans *** for slamming a door into his child.

Assume that the average kid on the student council has an IQ twenty to thirty points higher than yours and is MUCH less biased on this issue. Both probably correct, although I really can't be certain about the relative IQs. Then add the fact that they listened to testimony from both kids and from witnesses and that they are more familiar than you are with the student code of conduct and with general standards of life on campus. Then admit to yourself that much of your picture of what happened involves a large measure of reliance on hearsay supplemented by your own imagination.
This university is filled with a bunch of pu $$ ies.. the whole student council is a bunch of ******s.. suspend him for a game or two... but the whole season.. and it was students that made the call.. this sh! T would never happen aT fsu bama..florida.. vt..**** even fiu this is some over the top b! Tchassness ...
Did anyone even end up in the hospital. .. **** cause to kick a guy out of school for a fight is pretty harsh mane... no weapons.. really??? Smh

A fight would get you kicked out of even a private high school like Gulliver or Ransom Everglades. It would also get you kicked out of an top-level school like MIT or an Ivy. Life on a college campus is lived on a much higher level than life on the street. Attending a good college is not a right; it is an honor and a privilege. Students worked hard to get in, excelling in high school and doing well on admissions tests. If you mess up academically or break the rules, you're out.
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Did anyone even end up in the hospital. .. **** cause to kick a guy out of school for a fight is pretty harsh mane... no weapons.. really??? Smh

A fight would get you kicked out of even a private high school like Gulliver or Ransom Everglades. It would also get you kicked out of an top-level school like MIT or an Ivy. Life on a college campus is lived on a much higher standard than life on the street. Attending a good college is not a right; it is an honor and a privilege. Students worked hard to get in, excelling in high school and doing well on admissions tests. If you mess up academically or break the rules, you're out.

Then we can't hope to keep up wih the big boys in college football if this is how the students feel.

This sums up our problems, fellas. Grown men can't get into an altercation and work it out with different punishment, kids career gets impacted. Maybe it's not fair but it hurts the University as well. It hurts future recruiting and it hurts the team now.