anythruth? your thoughts


Jul 24, 2012
just had dinner with an old cane buddy and long time season ticket holder...he is not a booster by any means but knows Art and barrow pretty well due to his position with HS football...he said there was not going to any over the middle plays, crossing patters tight end seem routs due to the injury probability...

he said barrows exact words...these dbs and safeties are cracking hard this spring why risk injury to either player..we have seen what need to see this spring...?? ask gus huh...

I kind of understand the thought process

just had dinner with an old cane buddy and long time season ticket holder...he is not a booster by any means but knows Art and barrow pretty well due to his position with HS football...he said there was not going to any over the middle plays, crossing patters tight end seem routs due to the injury probability...

he said barrows exact words...these dbs and safeties are cracking hard this spring why risk injury to either player..we have seen what need to see this spring...?? ask gus huh...

I kind of understand the thought process
I don't know whats true. I saw those routes in the 7 on 7 portion. I saw it in clips from the camp reports. They weren't done a ton last year which is why people are upset. I also didn't see any pistol in the 11 on 11 portion. Stuff we ran a ton of last year. So I know the talk of that is the same offense from last year is overblown. We know from the camp clips that they've put more zone read in. Jet motion as well. Not ready to draw any conclusions.
just had dinner with an old cane buddy and long time season ticket holder...he is not a booster by any means but knows Art and barrow pretty well due to his position with HS football...he said there was not going to any over the middle plays, crossing patters tight end seem routs due to the injury probability...

he said barrows exact words...these dbs and safeties are cracking hard this spring why risk injury to either player..we have seen what need to see this spring...?? ask gus huh...

I kind of understand the thought process

Makes sense to me.

Golden said that Olsen did a terrific job managing the line of scrimmage.
Just seems like this was a "get the feet wet" situation.

I'm actually glad the kid didn't perform perfectly.
We need Olsen to be hungry for knowledge and reps the next 3 months. He needs to feel like he performed like crap, and that he desperately needs to creat a symbiosis with his receivers.

3 months is a long time, and if he works with the offense every day to make the complicated second nature, then we should see an offense that is humming right along come fall.
We played Louisville in the last game of the season last year.

It would be absolutely moronic to put all the new stuff that's been installed on tape for them to study going into this year's opener.

No way they were running everything.
Ask your buddy if that was the same reason we didn't attack the middle of the field all last season either.

We are all dumber for having read this ******* thread.
I used to think this before the Louisville debacle.....however the fact that Louisville is our first game will be a factor in playing our hands close to the vest.
No offense Gam, but that's the funniest ish I've ever read.

Our D went from one of the worst in the country,to being too violent for the offense to run shallow routes? Ok.

Carter is a violent mothafuka they gon feel em this year just watch and so is dallas no knees are safe when dallas coming at you
That's the funniest ish I've ever read.

Our D went from one of the worst in the country,to being too violent for the offense to run shallow routes? Ok.
Personnel change can do wonders. By adding guys like a Carter and Bush safety, you dont think there will be any change from a Kacy Rodgers, AJ Highsmith safety spot ? Same thing with Kirby and Figs, replacing Gaines and Cornelius.
Our backers this year are monsters blue and grace coming along plus safety play is 100x times better you saw the way Denzel cracked Gus not sure any of our receivers can take shots like that , figs layed a nice hit on tucker to
No offense Gam, but that's the funniest ish I've ever read.

Our D went from one of the worst in the country,to being too violent for the offense to run shallow routes? Ok.

Carter is a violent mothafuka they gon feel em this year just watch and so is dallas no knees are safe when dallas coming at you

The offense just stunk it up , which is quite common for a spring game. The defense should always be ahead in spring. Far more timing and reps are needed for the O. Then mix in a green qb that hasn't received many first team reps.

Will the D be a lot better this year, yes . But this is just silly.

Alabama, Lsu and Fsu run those routes in spring against some great defenses but we can't ? Lmao.
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That actually makes a lot of sense. I was wondering why almost all of our passing plays involved rolling the qb out of the pocket and dumping it off by the sideline.
Ask your buddy if that was the same reason we didn't attack the middle of the field all last season either.

We are all dumber for having read this ****ing thread.

Stephen Morris is the reason we didn't attack the middle of the field last year. Guys were open all year over the middle but the ball wasn't thrown there.