Anyone hear anything on this?

furman the source? No chance any of this is true, especially the quit/buyout gaf... doesnt make sense? If he quits, why would they pay him a buy out?

Early retirement package. It’s pretty standard.

It’s basically an honorable way to lay soneone off...usually when you want to end things on good terms.
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There’s a reason Blake just says the same ole bs. He literally has no power , Richt can walk up and take a dump on his desk and he can’t do jack.

Blake can’t force crap, he gave Richt everything he wanted. Including the same money he was getting paid at the school that just canned him.

Oh my god. I think my 8 year old daughter has more awareness of how to run an athletic department than these clowns. On what planet does a boss give an employee all the power? This is just mind numbing incompetence. No wonder Mark Richt is skipping down the hallways with his head up his ***. I would keep collecting my $4 million a year as well no matter how incompetent I am.
Glad somebody gets how the world actually works.

I’m not saying it actually happened, but early retirement incentives are pretty standard. That would imply, though, that it was UM that was initiating the retirement talk, not Richt.

Or, I suppose, Richt could have offered to retire on the condition that he receive an early retirement package, and the University balked at the amount he was asking for.

Again, I have no way of knowing whether it actually happened, but it wouldn’t be unheard of.
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Video from the meeting:
BOT: Coach you can’t call plays anymore
View attachment 73375
BOT: We, along with the fans, want you and your staff/family to GTFOH
View attachment 73376
BOT: We’re gonna try to Bring Back Butch
View attachment 73377
BOT: C’mon Mark - your offense sucks, your record is unacceptable and you’ve lost the team
View attachment 73378
Blake: So this is why you cucked me, for that extension?
View attachment 73379
BOT & BJ simultaneously in slow motion: AAAND THUUUUU BUUUUUYOOOOOOOUT?
View attachment 73380

lol this is great
Video from the meeting:
BOT: Coach you can’t call plays anymore
View attachment 73375
BOT: We, along with the fans, want you and your staff/family to GTFOH
View attachment 73376
BOT: We’re gonna try to Bring Back Butch
View attachment 73377
BOT: C’mon Mark - your offense sucks, your record is unacceptable and you’ve lost the team
View attachment 73378
Blake: So this is why you cucked me, for that extension?
View attachment 73379
BOT & BJ simultaneously in slow motion: AAAND THUUUUU BUUUUUYOOOOOOOUT?
View attachment 73380
Such a great movie.
1. Fire his son and his friends.
2. Go 5-7 and get fired.
3. Take some money and leave with dignity.

Richt has an easy choice here. I hope he’s got enough sense to just hang em up. It’s like watching a once decent boxer climb into the ring at 65 and get pummeled.

If none of these, all we can really hope for is that he drops dead.

You fail to consider the 4th option: Hubris- Rorcht brings in another lackey, yes-man and nothing changes. All the while, Rorcht steals another $4mil+ from the university
The part where he asked for a high buyout makes it completely b.s. Why would he ask for a buyout when it was already negotiated into the contract? He gets a higher payout, if he's fired. Refuse to make the changes the BOT wants and just make them fire you. Richt has already said changes need to be made.

To me, a more realistic interpretation of how a circumstance like this could unfold is...

Richt resists forced change and a buyout is broached (by Richt or his representation) with a number attached. BOT says no, you can stay but you must hire an OC (which we all know he does not want to do). So we're at a stalemate of sorts, because I don't see how either side could move forward and be happy, longterm.

I say this because:
  • Richt is a QB/offensive coach but created circumstances (coaching by proxy) where no QB wants to come here (not even the kids already here) and the offense has been bad.
  • He also said he continued coaching because he wanted to call plays and likes working with his family.
  • He left a situation like this at UGA where control was ceded to the AD and all respect/authority was lost.
More than Blake and the BOT, I can't see how Richt wants to continue coaching in this situation.
This is y Blake needs to be fired. First off I don’t believe any of this, but even if it is, this stupid, unwarranted extension is going to be the death of us.
You fail to consider the 4th option: Hubris- Rorcht brings in another lackey, yes-man and nothing changes. All the while, Rorcht steals another $4mil+ from the university

I would imagine the powers that be are well aware of that possibility and have a short list of their own candidates.
To me, a more realistic interpretation of how a circumstance like this could unfold is...

Richt resists forced change and a buyout is broached (by Richt or his representation) with a number attached. BOT says no, you can stay but you must hire an OC (which we all know he does not want to do). So we're at a stalemate of sorts, because I don't see how either side could move forward and be happy, longterm.

I say this because:
  • Richt is a QB/offensive coach but created circumstances (coaching by proxy) where no QB wants to come here (not even the kids already here) and the offense has been bad.
  • He also said he continued coaching because he wanted to call plays and likes working with his family.
  • He left a situation like this at UGA where control was ceded to the AD and all respect/authority was lost.
More than Blake and the BOT, I can't see how Richt wants to continue coaching in this situation.

I think this is pretty accurate. Let's just hope MR does the right thing. Oh to be a fly on the wall hanging around Hecht over the next few days.....
a lot of money was donated in the last few years by the hope that cmr was selling.
A lot of money not being returned on that investment and the investment made on a staff that can’t beat schools that operate on half the budget and recruit at a lower level.
This is nowhere in the neighborhood of what the bot was expecting.
Regardless of wether the bot are football fans or not; I’m sure they’re fans of money. You have to imagine that they are looking at a bleak financial forecast compared to the money that is being pumped into the program.
When that happens the wheels get set in motion and questions start being asked. I’m sure the bot has people other than our coaches who they can ask questions.
How did we spend all this money only to get al Golden results?
Why are we recruiting at such a low level?
Why do lesser teams score more points on duke and uva?
Why are so many players wanting to transfer?
Anyone who has ever worked for a company that spent millions of dollars to get results that never materialized understands tha ammount of Shiite that roles down that hill.
I can guarantee you that the tipping point of this is his son. No respectable OC is going to look at the number of qb’s that have been on campus in the last 3 years and expect to want to keep him.
I posted earlier that Malik went 20/29 for 272 on his first game as a starter. And yet he has looked worse every year since John boy got here.
My prediction is either his son gets demoted or cmr packs his bags.
James doesn’t sign off on the contract by himself. The University has a general counsel and outside counsel. If they signed off on that idiotic an agreement, without there even being a reason to, after all the U went through in the past on coaching contracts, then they are all truly incompetent.
Should of had the shrink perform mental exam prior to renewal
If Richt quits there’s no buyout. It has to be something mutual for this to even be a discussion.

And if it’s a mutual parting mark won’t walk away with it all. If he’s even discussing this he’s not invested

He obviously wants out.

In the end, rumors are rumors. But I think everyone can agree on the bolded. Richt doesn't look like he's enjoying this anymore. And he doesn't look like a guy that's willing to do what it takes to make Miami win again, if it can't be his way.
If Diaz we’re here, we could have had him takeover and move MR to some other non-football position like fund raiser
The reason why I think this could happen is because I’m confident Richt would rather ride off quietly into the sunset, with a bunch of money, as opposed to being forced to fire his son and friends.

This, plus I just can't see Richt all of a sudden changing his philosophies now and hiring a competent OC (and giving him full reign of the offense) plus making the other necessary staffing changes he needs to make.

His mojo took a serious beating this year. Dude was beyond humbled. He was embarassed and exposed as a fraud who hid behind his UGA talent all these years.

My money is on him retiring. Especially now that he's seen that he's lost his locker room and his players are no longer giving 100%.

He's going to retire.