Anyone hear anything on this?

It seems to me, rick wants out and wants to dictate the terms of the buyout and the BOT has said no to rick's offer.

BOT said hire an OC. Rick said no

Stay tuned for further developments.

****** wants to quit and get his buyout?
If that’s even possible while refusing to
Make staff changes
Through 2023

Why is Blake James employee ?
****** wants to quit and get his buyout?
If that’s even possible while refusing to
Make staff changes
Through 2023

Why is Blake James employee ?
James doesn’t sign off on the contract by himself. The University has a general counsel and outside counsel. If they signed off on that idiotic an agreement, without there even being a reason to, after all the U went through in the past on coaching contracts, then they are all truly incompetent.
Unless Richt steps down we’re f’d ,his contract is absolutely crazy . Dude has absolute control over the entire football program. From firing assistants right down to the uniforms. Blake is his *****.
James doesn’t sign off on the contract by himself. The University has a general counsel and outside counsel. If they signed off on that idiotic an agreement, without there even being a reason to, after all the U went through in the past on coaching contracts, then they are all truly incompetent.
true. But I need somewhere to focus my anger
Unless Richt steps down we’re f’d ,his contract is absolutely crazy . Dude has absolute control over the entire football program. From firing assistants right down to the uniforms. Blake is his *****.
James doesn’t sign off on the contract by himself. The University has a general counsel and outside counsel. If they signed off on that idiotic an agreement, without there even being a reason to, after all the U went through in the past on coaching contracts, then they are all truly incompetent.

They are reviewing the language of it, not the idiocy of the terms. Just the same as they reviewed the language behind the abortion of an agreement for UHealth to hire Pascal Goldschmidt. If BJ wanted to extend Richt, the most they were likely doing was reviewing the terms to avoid future lawsuits like they are currently in with Fat Al. BJ can likely take ownership of this decision to himself.