Anyone hear anything on this?

If the BOT wants him gone but won't pay up, Richt knows this and all of next year will be toxic. He wont recruit, he will know he's on a short leash, any sign of adversity and the whole thing collapses. It'll be a disaster. If you want him gone and he wants to be gone, PAY HIM!!
Yep, they (or some of them) want him to go away but don't want to pay for it.
So he's staying.
It wouldn't surprise me.
Hopefully it's a tactic to make him lower his buyout. Making a coach return after trying to quit is crazy. However, I get why they're ****ed he thinks he can just quit and still get a huge buyout. Pretty crazy situation of true.
Flat out he just needs to be realistic and step down with dignity. He has to know based on 2015 when he was hired how that year went with golden. And this time around as bad/toxic as it was then, this feels worse, much worse! And will get ugly very fast for CMR next year. This isn’t Georgia and I dont think Richt can handle how we get down here in south Florida with the planes flying and all the venom being spit at him. And if cmr decides to go down with the ship he has to know he is also sinking any chance of his son having a career as well with his nepotism.

Insert dog praying gifs.
If the BOT wants him gone but won't pay up, Richt knows this and all of next year will be toxic. He wont recruit, he will know he's on a short leash, any sign of adversity and the whole thing collapses. It'll be a disaster. If you want him gone and he wants to be gone, PAY HIM!!

Not only this, I have to think if this situation is as toxic as being portrayed, he may lose some of assistant coaches, especially on
defensive side of ball.
Has Manny Diaz filled out his defensive staff?
Not only this, I have to think if this situation is as toxic as being portrayed, he may lose some of assistant coaches, especially on
defensive side of ball.
Has Manny Diaz filled out his defensive staff?
Good point. They may be saying "Wtf were you thinking with Banda and Patke? Go get this guy...".
A couple of thoughts:
1). If Richt in fact threatened to quit, AND wants a high buyout, the BOT was right in telling him “no”. You don’t negotiate with terrorists, and you can’t set the precedent that someone with a big contract can quit before the term and get a high payout. That’s bad business.
2). If he threatened to quit, it is only a matter of time before this ends. That shows he isn’t really invested in fixing anything.
3). The level of selfishness in Richt’s position is rediculous. A highly paid executive’s first priority is to do the right thing by his employer. Not set his child up in a career, not call plays because he likes to.... he is paid to win. If he isn’t winning, then everything should be on the table by his own objective evaluation of his performance. An executive (and leader) has to hold himself to a higher level of accountability to set the example. It should be clear to Richt he needs to remove himself from the offense for the good of the program he leads.
Richt requested to quit = fake news.

The part where he asked for a high buyout makes it completely b.s. Why would he ask for a buyout when it was already negotiated into the contract? He gets a higher payout, if he's fired. Refuse to make the changes the BOT wants and just make them fire you. Richt has already said changes need to be made.