Anybody catch this on twitter?

When he benched Perry even the defense took a step back
Eh not really I mean they only had one bad series and that was before halftime. That series and Tito’s penalty were the only bad moments for the d. Tackling wasn’t as good as it’s been.
anyone that believes that everything is copacetic in the lockerroom, especially with the offense is fooling themselves
Lol Jeff Thomas has about 20 more games to play and then he is going to make some money. He isn’t about to transfer, my God.
I think you all should stop trying to analyze what a 20 year old is posting on his Instagram, lol.

I HIGHLY doubt Harley is transferring. That kid bleeds UM. He is just frustrated like all of us. Relax.
Agreed, it’s a frustration post just like everyone else on the team is posting. Now if things don’t change then yes this will be a different conversation. I fear there won’t be any changes tho.
What the **** is going on?

Nothing. Adults (some of them) trying to decode a what a sophomore in college posts on his social media and thinking any and everything they post has to do with football and in a negative light.
This is Miami. You do not get 10 year to prove you suck. I’ve said many time Bobby Bowden would never have one a NChere because we would have run him out of town in the 80’s. Joe Pa too. Mark will be here two more years but he is finished. Had it not been for the early signing period last year, 2018 class would have collapsed. 2019 got sugar high last week over FSU game but will crash now.
Cager posting some cryptic shxt as well. He deleted it though.

Harley posted this on Instagram

Big crap. “Remove the beam in your eye before you go looking for the splinter in your brother’s“. Or Coach and you shall receive. Dude is worse ST coach than golden for God’s sake. Besides I have heard any of the coaches admitting there can’t coach worth and crap and ask for forgiveness for stealing our money.
This board lost all of our inside sources. Who knows what’s going on inside now


But I’ll take an educated guess

1.) it’s obvious Kosi and Williams are more talented than Rosier, like not even close in talent. Kosi or Williams will make mistakes, **** maybe a lot, but talent is a step or 2 better than Malik. Now let’s see Malik does everything right on and off the field (not getting in trouble and listening) while the other two still seem to be maturing a bit. Now Richt has a dilemma, do you reward a guy that isn’t doing everything correctly on and off the field just because they are better than Malik; as a leader he doesn’t want to show the team he’s doing that. NOW THE PLAYERS want to win and are sick of watching Malik who is garbage leading them, they want to win. So Richt is trying to make this a messed up teaching/growing moment and most of the players don’t care about that.

2.). Some players think they’ve been lied to, why am I guessing this? Because for us to secure elite talent like Lingard, Jordan, Pope, Hightower, Williams, Hall, Frierson, Scaife, and Silvera to name a few they aren’t coming just to sit, they expect to play and my guess they where promised playing time, so use your imagination and think to ourselves who isn’t getting playing time but should be, that individual is probably a bit ****ed. I know alot of people have a stigma that Miami is up front and honest during recruiting, the simple fact is we lie and stretch the truth (maybe not to the level as other schools) but we still do it.

This is my guess why the lockeroom is frustrated. And of course the crappy loss