Any response from Charles Robinson?

He was on 790 The Ticket around 130 and did an interview
Yep. He was trying to say that the NCAA vindicated his reporting. Pretty funny to listen too.

delusional **** if he thinks the result of this bs is any kind of vindication, he should have his vindicated
Didn't UM self report the violations to the NCAA more than a year before Robinson's Yahoo article came out? At the end of the day his article is virtual toilet paper. It didn't initiate the investigation and it certainly had no bearing on the penalties that were handed down. Robinson has gotten far more publicity out of this ordeal than he deserves.
He was on 790 The Ticket around 130 and did an interview
Yep. He was trying to say that the NCAA vindicated his reporting. Pretty funny to listen too.

delusional **** if he thinks the result of this bs is any kind of vindication, he should have his vindicated
Didn't UM self report the violations to the NCAA more than a year before Robinson's Yahoo article came out? At the end of the day his article is virtual toilet paper. It didn't initiate the investigation and it certainly had no bearing on the penalties that were handed down. Robinson has gotten far more publicity out of this ordeal than he deserves.

Yes the university is the one that reported to the NCAA that we could have a problem not F*ucky Robinson
Wow those losers at 790 sure asked some tough questions. Not. It was a complete lovefest

What did you expect from the local media?

Some of the UM journalist students were hosted to give opinion on Charles Robinson way back when and wow, it was a total slob-his-**** fest. Totally had the feel of the we-must-support-our-brother-journalist-****suckers and take off our orange and green sunglasses and be "objective." It was embarrassing. I brought up all of the reasons we've ever discussed about how shady the article was, and dudes were just lauding his credentials and such the entire time. I hope they all burn.
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What did he really expect to happen? Death Penalty? I mean we did lose out on a few bowl games and loss scholarships.
The problem is Robinson turned guys getting trivial gifts and dinners into a national scandal because he failed to do his job correctly. Without Yahoo this investigation would have not taken on the proportions it did. He is a wise *** and he has been tarnished by this as has everyone else that applied any credibility to Scumpiro.