Anthony Chikillo Post

I have to put this on Chick. He gained the Freshman 50 and never worked hard enough to drop the weight. I'm sure Coach Golden told him to drop the weight as it wasn't healthy for him to carry that extra weight and Chick refused. Now that Chick no longer has a meal card and training table, his weight has gone down to his natural weight. I'm happy for Chick that he now has his weight under control as it will add to his longevity.

Sorry, but could not disagree more. Jimmy Johnson revolutionized college football using slim, strong and fast d lineman, but Cromagnon Al decided to return the program back to the cave man days of college football with his U Fat program, even Stacy Coley has gained weight and lost speed. Olson Pierre could barely even move by the time he was a senior.

Fortunately, things can change quickly. Take a look at what Malzahn did at Auburn, he changed his d line from fat and slow to strong and speedy and they are great again. The sooner Fat Al is out the better.

sometimes u guys just say the most random stuff. Chick and DP were over weight but DP was still making plays all over the field. Coley didnt get slower. Peirre got stronger and faster. Dorsett and Duke actually got faster. They run a horrible scheme but sometimes u people just grasp.

Jesus wept.

Duke was faster his junior year. all u guys complained he got caught from behind during his fresh and soph year. last year he had an additional burst. not debatable

I think you are getting burst and top end speed confused. Duke has never lacked for burst. It was great on day 1 and actually seemed to take a slight hit while he was bulking up, but I think once he adjusted to the extra weight and gained more strength he was back to normal. Don't think I agree that he got any faster for top end speed. Maybe a little bit, but most players do as they get stronger.
Duke Johnson NEVER had great "long" speed. He always had "elite" acceleration and good long speed and that goes back to Highschool. Him putting on weight was necessary for his career

if u think he looked slower last year. u are blind