Another Oregon based Media Take on Christobal


Put you out **** in to be puchina
Nov 13, 2021
I am in Portland and wanted to share our local media take on this. This is not behind a paywall if you are so inclined to check it out yourself. Mods please merge with the appropriate thread if you think it is necessary~

Oregon Live re: Cristobal

LAS VEGAS -- The University of Miami is a fighting mess right now. The Board of Trustees is divided but pulled together plans to interview athletic director candidates on Thursday and again today. After that, maybe it will hire a new head football coach. Or maybe not.

Which bring us to Clara Cristobal’s youngest son -- Mario.

He was born in Miami, went to elementary school there, learned to drive his first car there and when it came time to pick a college he stayed home and became a Hurricane. Just last weekend Mario flew across the country in a rush to visit his mother who he said is sick and not doing well.

Cristobal arrived back in Eugene after the brief visit and said: “She’s fighting. That’s the best way to say it, and that’s exactly what I expected to see out of her. We’re going to go day-by-day.”

Oregon will play Utah today in the Pac-12 Championship game. Cristobal, 51, appears focused on the job he has to do. He pointed out that his mother, who instilled hard-scrabble work ethic and values in her children, would have wanted him to be with his team. She’d have told him to do the job to the best of his abilities and he always listened to his mother so that’s just what he’s doing.

Still, one source close to Cristobal told me late Thursday night, “The mom issue is rough. They’re very close and he’s struggling.”

It puts the football in perspective doesn’t it?

Miami may need a football coach in the coming days. If there’s a vacancy boosters in South Florida will undoubtedly pool resources and aim at some point to attempt to bring Cristobal home. I’m just not sold the Ducks coach would abandon what he’s built in four seasons at Oregon. He’s climbed three quarters of the way up the College Football Playoff mountain. His two children and wife, Jessica, by all accounts appear to love living in Eugene. Unless I’m reading it all wrong I can’t see Cristobal doing an about-face and descending to the bottom of that mountain so he can start the task over -- even at Miami.

Would the UO coach maybe leave in three or five seasons? Sure, maybe if he’d hit the ceiling at Oregon or circumstances changed. What if Nick Saban retires and the Alabama job opens in a year or three? Yup. I’d bet AD Greg Byrne would have Cristobal on his short list. I’d even help the guy pack. But right now I’m all-in on the idea that Cristobal won’t do what Lincoln Riley and Brian Kelly did this week to their universities.

Miami may be waiting on Cristobal today but I think it will always be there.

Instead, I think Cristobal will maniacally focus on beating Utah and ushering the Ducks to another Rose Bowl. Then, I suspect he’ll shift directions and jump on a private charter from Las Vegas and get to his mother’s side as quickly as he can. While all that’s going on I’m thinking Oregon AD Rob Mullens will be playing some good defense and talking with Cristobal’s agent about what more the Ducks might be able to do to make Miami a non-factor in this hiring cycle.

Conspiracy theorists noted on Thursday night that a flight plan was filed for a private charter from Miami to Las Vegas. It very could be a bachelor party or some whale who just likes to play roulette on The Strip every weekend. I received several inquiries from nervous boosters who noted the flight plan and wondered if the Hurricanes are planning to pounce on the Ducks’ coach with a hard sales pitch and a blank check should Oregon lose to Utah.

Coaches talk about family all the time in sports. They use it in recruiting and team building. I’m left thinking a little bit about how that extends to an entire university community. Utah, which had two players die in less than a year, is a wonderful example of that. The Utes pulled together, not just as a team but as a university community this season. It’s been a galvanizing ride to the title game for that program. Perspective is a powerful thing.

Meanwhile, there’s a lot going on today across the field for Oregon, isn’t there?

Cristobal’s mother is battling. Her son is thinking on her while trying to capture his third-straight Pac-12 title. His alma mater’s football program is splintered in pieces and looking in his direction for glue. The boosters at Miami are desperate and nobody seems to know who is in charge right now. Amid that, Oregon has to be focused on trying to put its arms around its football coach.

Not in some attempt to keep him in Eugene. But because it needs to let him know it’s there.
I am in Portland and wanted to share our local media take on this. This is not behind a paywall if you are so inclined to check it out yourself. Mods please merge with the appropriate thread if you think it is necessary~

Oregon Live re: Cristobal

LAS VEGAS -- The University of Miami is a fighting mess right now. The Board of Trustees is divided but pulled together plans to interview athletic director candidates on Thursday and again today. After that, maybe it will hire a new head football coach. Or maybe not.

Which bring us to Clara Cristobal’s youngest son -- Mario.

He was born in Miami, went to elementary school there, learned to drive his first car there and when it came time to pick a college he stayed home and became a Hurricane. Just last weekend Mario flew across the country in a rush to visit his mother who he said is sick and not doing well.

Cristobal arrived back in Eugene after the brief visit and said: “She’s fighting. That’s the best way to say it, and that’s exactly what I expected to see out of her. We’re going to go day-by-day.”

Oregon will play Utah today in the Pac-12 Championship game. Cristobal, 51, appears focused on the job he has to do. He pointed out that his mother, who instilled hard-scrabble work ethic and values in her children, would have wanted him to be with his team. She’d have told him to do the job to the best of his abilities and he always listened to his mother so that’s just what he’s doing.

Still, one source close to Cristobal told me late Thursday night, “The mom issue is rough. They’re very close and he’s struggling.”

It puts the football in perspective doesn’t it?

Miami may need a football coach in the coming days. If there’s a vacancy boosters in South Florida will undoubtedly pool resources and aim at some point to attempt to bring Cristobal home. I’m just not sold the Ducks coach would abandon what he’s built in four seasons at Oregon. He’s climbed three quarters of the way up the College Football Playoff mountain. His two children and wife, Jessica, by all accounts appear to love living in Eugene. Unless I’m reading it all wrong I can’t see Cristobal doing an about-face and descending to the bottom of that mountain so he can start the task over -- even at Miami.

Would the UO coach maybe leave in three or five seasons? Sure, maybe if he’d hit the ceiling at Oregon or circumstances changed. What if Nick Saban retires and the Alabama job opens in a year or three? Yup. I’d bet AD Greg Byrne would have Cristobal on his short list. I’d even help the guy pack. But right now I’m all-in on the idea that Cristobal won’t do what Lincoln Riley and Brian Kelly did this week to their universities.

Miami may be waiting on Cristobal today but I think it will always be there.

Instead, I think Cristobal will maniacally focus on beating Utah and ushering the Ducks to another Rose Bowl. Then, I suspect he’ll shift directions and jump on a private charter from Las Vegas and get to his mother’s side as quickly as he can. While all that’s going on I’m thinking Oregon AD Rob Mullens will be playing some good defense and talking with Cristobal’s agent about what more the Ducks might be able to do to make Miami a non-factor in this hiring cycle.

Conspiracy theorists noted on Thursday night that a flight plan was filed for a private charter from Miami to Las Vegas. It very could be a bachelor party or some whale who just likes to play roulette on The Strip every weekend. I received several inquiries from nervous boosters who noted the flight plan and wondered if the Hurricanes are planning to pounce on the Ducks’ coach with a hard sales pitch and a blank check should Oregon lose to Utah.

Coaches talk about family all the time in sports. They use it in recruiting and team building. I’m left thinking a little bit about how that extends to an entire university community. Utah, which had two players die in less than a year, is a wonderful example of that. The Utes pulled together, not just as a team but as a university community this season. It’s been a galvanizing ride to the title game for that program. Perspective is a powerful thing.

Meanwhile, there’s a lot going on today across the field for Oregon, isn’t there?

Cristobal’s mother is battling. Her son is thinking on her while trying to capture his third-straight Pac-12 title. His alma mater’s football program is splintered in pieces and looking in his direction for glue. The boosters at Miami are desperate and nobody seems to know who is in charge right now. Amid that, Oregon has to be focused on trying to put its arms around its football coach.

Not in some attempt to keep him in Eugene. But because it needs to let him know it’s there.

Oh cool, Mas is sending the plane to bring Mario home right after the game.
"Unless I’m reading it all wrong I can’t see Cristobal doing an about-face and descending to the bottom of that mountain so he can start the task over -- even at Miami."

So, just speculation? Got it.

And "bottom of the mountain"... As if there's this HUUUGE gap between Oregon and Miami right now.
Hilarious stuff.

Can anyone explain to me why "Miami" needs to charter a private jet, simply to talk to one of our own alums? ****, there is nothing stopping UM from calling Mario any day of the week to ask him for an alumnus contribution.

Ridiculous stuff. Yeah, going to Miami would be returning to the bottom of the mountain. We are a doinked kick and a last-minute pick from playing in tomorrow's ACC-CG. Doesn't mean I'm happy with our 2021 year, just that we aren't at the bottom of any ******* mountain.
we have more talent than oregon, only difference in us being " at the bottom of the mountain" is coaching.

take their coach and give it a year and oregon will see where miami really stands
Vague bullsh!te much?

"His two children and wife, Jessica, by all accounts appear to love living in Eugene."
Give me a break! Totally agree!!

Yeah, with each passing hour, the more it really looks like it is Mario, which I will be thrilled with!!
Pretty much the article boils down to a few things.

-Mario’s family LOVES Eugene. Bet they love it even more than the city they go back to whenever they have a chance 🥴

-He would never leave what he’s built at Oregon.

-Miami is a mess.

-He could leave, but for Bama or a job like that.

I think there’s such a mental block to them thinking he can come here because they view us as an inferior program. Them losing him to us just reinforces that all the money in the world can’t buy you pedigree (e.g., remember when Willie left under the exact same circumstances). Him leaving to come back home just reinforces that Oregon will always be a stepping stone program. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.