And the hits keep coming...

*Hoskins and Wright with Bruce at some point during events...not necessarily there during arrest...

didnt want to misconstrue...

Yeah when Bruce said I bet I can steal the hub caps off of that 5.0 they were like dude were audi.
Haskins is next. He had some issues before he got here.

If I recall correctly, Haskins was a passenger in another car where the cops found weed and he might've been charged. If so, Richt might deal with this like you
Stupid. Just legalize weed already. The arrests do far more damage to these kids' lives than smoking the stuff does.

Until we legalize weed for the potheads, is it too much to ask to just follow the rules while you're on full scholarship at a $50,000 per year school that you never could have been admitted to on your own?
Haskins is next. He had some issues before he got here.

I'm getting that vibe as well. I think it's pretty evident that Richt sees this coming given that they're still recruiting McKitty for this class even though we already have a TE (who's more of a blocker).
When he was released from the team some sensitive *** person told me that I was wrong because I said his release gave us time to go after another recruit. Now, how do you feel sensitive dude?
Wright & Haskins were there?

Start the clock... a smoker i find it hard to believe that they weren't partaking in the festivities along with Bruce, especially since they were all in the same car
That's an unfair assumption. I know you have friends that you are around that doesn't smoke...

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Agreed^ I haven't smoked in forever but I still have friends that do. When they pass it my way I say no thanks.