Amarius Mims Elite 2021 OT

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This would be the thing that, while not binding, would be the way he “committed without committing.”
Inday, he could’ve just signed it because he agreed to their offer just like you agree to financial arrangements with financial aid. I would be shocked if he didn’t do the same thing here with our NIL offer. There‘s nothing binding him to sign with the school though.
What’s wild is Warchant still has the tweet and article up. They are preparing to die on that hill 😭
Inday, he could’ve just signed it because he agreed to their offer just like you agree to financial arrangements with financial aid. I would be shocked if he didn’t do the same thing here with our NIL offer. There‘s nothing binding him to sign with the school though.
it all depends on how the NIL is structured, right? I honestly don’t know if it’s the same as fin-aid.
I find it highly unlikely (unless Mims is a complete dunce - in other words FSU material) that Mims would agree to a NIL deal with an FSU fundraising group that was just begging people to send $10, without first finding out what the billionaire booster supporting UM is willing to put on the table.
Idk what is going on. But there is definitely smoke and I don’t like it! Need to get him down to miami
Maybe. Or maybe he committed and doesn’t want it leaked until he can announce it.

Put it this way….I’ve seen one zillion examples of what i described above and I believe exactly zero where a reputable (hold your laughter) site announces a commitment and makes videos for said commitment that literally didn’t happen.

So either he committed and just wants it on his terms, which happens all the time, or Ira at Whorechant got trolled worse than anybody has ever been trolled in the history of recruiting. We’ll see which it is.
I agree, I’ve never seen a site incorrectly announce a commitment like that. However, if he committed and didn’t want it announced and they ran out to tell their contacts at one of the sites, it still makes it awkward.
Bruh you’ve gone into my DMs and went on a racial tirade. Miss me with that and how you want to somehow pretend you didn’t like the very post he was talking about then pretend that he wasn’t talking about that very post.
Can U prove anything that you claiming? U literally swinging at air.

“If you bust up in the air, you ain’t killing the sky”—Styles P

I agree, I’ve never seen a site incorrectly announce a commitment like that. However, if he committed and didn’t want it announced and they ran out to tell their contacts at one of the sites, it still makes it awkward.
If this was Miami, the "silent" commitment would see all this, ditch us and commit to another school.
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