Amari "Hitman" Carter

Hope that wouldn't be called targeting in college mayne
Hope that wouldn't be called targeting in college mayne

I think it would be overturned by replay, it looks like he avoided helmet to helmet and he didn't launch.

Looked like the perfect smash hit under today's rules -- except if you are a Cane, then they will call it. Still, I want this kid. He would bring the violence back that Diaz wants. We need the middle to be a fear zone from DL to MLB to DB.
Daaaaamn daniel

Yo this a sideline to sideline safety we dont have one on the roster as of right now. This next class probably got some guy over taking last years guys to be real
The poor guy coming down with momentum was half the hit. Talk about the wrong place at the wrong time. Ouch.
love it, might need a few more Safeties just in case they decide to throw him out for hitting to hard lmao
But Sean Taylor moved like a corner and that's what made him so unique Finely is not that gifted but he still good tho.
Clean hit. Carter led with his left shoulder and hit the player in his torso. The real bad guy is the QB for lobbing the ball on what looks like a skinny post into two deep coverage with a player of Carter's ability and reputation playing safety.