Confirmed Alonzo Highsmith (joining Miami staff, 5.25 update)

Idk whether to laugh or cry! ****! I feel like BREAKDANCING! Go Canes
Eddie Murphy Agree GIF by Coming to America
Now that he's officially official, I guess I can relate this story from the past season...

After the Mich St loss, I started hearing from people that were pretty significant boosters, long-time season ticket holders (who had up to like 8 seats per game) etc, were telling me that they were no longer even going to home games. That they wouldn't be going for awhile. And these were die-hards who didn't miss games for years, and traveled to a lot of road games.

I saw some tweets expressing the same thing

I DM'd Alonzo about this, and his response was, "This is alarming, I'd like to talk to these people." He was serious. And he actually wanted to give his thoughts on Miami and what he had seen throughout the country at other programs.

So a special Zoom conference call was organized (and some on this board were on this call) and guess what, for over an hour he held court. There was no doubt he wanted to help rebuild this thing. Mr Highsmith has a real plan and vision. He isn't here to just be a figurehead, or occupy an office. This is not his job, but a passion. Or a vocation as Mario Cristobal would say.

One thing he said that really stood out to me was that, "Every booster counts, doesn't matter if you're at the very top, a Golden Cane, or just a guy who gives a hundred dollars -- you guys ALL matter." Alonzo, beyond the football aspect has an acute understanding that UM had lost the community to a certain degree. Part of his aim it get back to the grassroots in the Dade County area and beyond.

Im very excited about this move and extremely happy for Alonzo.
1. We’ve been plagued & sullied by nepotism, cronyism, yes men, followers for yrs. It’s so refreshing to see alphas not intimidated to be surrounded by other alphas.

2. Adding a guy like Zo to staff is huge for recruiting b/c of his connections to the NFL. How many UDFA or late round Cane picks have happened for teams that Zo was or currently staffed w/? How often have GB, Cleveland, & Seattle taken a chance on Miami guys just off strength? Those connections help. NFL guys r always in contact w/ CFB guys & Zo’s Rolodex is sick, I would guess.

Iron sharpens iron. Love what I’m seeing.
Columbus Mafia strikes again and now sit at the head of the five families this cosa nostra.

The Explorers Empire executed Order 66 and the takeover of UM is complete, now we set our sights onto the college football galaxy.

That’s right! I love The Godfather (except the abomination that is #3, the film that shall not be named) and Star Wars too deal with it lol