Confirmed Alonzo Highsmith (joining Miami staff, 5.25 update)

This. I don’t know who is the right AD. But just as we’re trying to find the right head coach from the ranks of HCs that are PROVEN winning HCs, we need a PROVEN AD. The other factor for me is the guy can’t be nearing retirement age. Needs to be high energy. No more guess work at either position.
Young and dynamic is something I can get with. That said, a guy like Jurich would build a culture and bring some talented people with him and when he retires in about 5-6 years, the department would be in great shape. He's an easy, low risk hire. I would prefer Long, because he's a little younger. He is also affordable, because his stock dropped at KU. Still a high end AD, KU is impossible in regards to football. No one is fixing that program, period.
Young and dynamic is something I can get with. That said, a guy like Jurich would build a culture and bring some talented people with him and when he retires in about 5-6 years, the department would be in great shape. He's an easy, low risk hire. I would prefer Long, because he's a little younger. He is also affordable, because his stock dropped at KU. Still a high end AD, KU is impossible in regards to football. No one is fixing that program, period.

Add the basketball experience
I’m Leary of hiring former players… seems like an easy way for an admin to satisfy a ****ed off fan base.

Gino is a successful businessman, but I don’t know how that translates to the business of college athletics. On the surface it seems like it could work, but USC just went this route and failed. Of course the silly conspiracy theory du jour holds that Gino will be the AD because a certain coach out west trusts him, and might be tempted to come here.

I wasn’t really sold on Zo being involved until I heard him interviewed in a pod. He spoke about what a championship team does and how it operates, and how to sell Miami as a program. He basically talked about the foundation a team needs. Then I heard Ahmmon Richards talking about what’s gone wrong inside the program.. and all the reasons this team hasn’t been able to compete with some of the more talented opponents…and it was exactly what Zo talked about changing. So yea, I think Zo being around is a very good thing. Not sure he should be the AD, but some sort of role like they talked about a couple years ago.
No AD worth a **** would hire a "Football Czar". Why? Because most ADs want to have direct oversight of the most important revenue center in their department. They don't want a buffer between themselves and the most important hire they will ever make(The HC of the football program) There may be a day to day administrator, who is a puppet of the AD, but that administrator has little true power. Our fanbase overthinks this stuff, and I pray the powers that be aren't doing the same. Hire a talented, experienced, qualified AD, give them the support needed, and get out of the way. Not a complicated concept.
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Running a collegiate athletic department is different than running a media company. It's different than being a NFL personnel guy. Get me someone that has done it, that understands the challenges. Tom Jurich is sitting out there, same with a fallen star like Jeff Long. Get one of those guys. Stop jerking off over inexperienced, unqualified former letterwinners. This hire is extremely important, don't leave it to chance.

I get that. But some of you guys think that organizational, financial, interpersonal skills, etc. can't transfer over to different departments or companies.

As AD you are still managing personnel, doing marketing, running a budget, etc. These are not particular to sports management.
Why can't Miami just get an AD to be the AD? Why do we keep talking up people who are "good at business"? I want someone who is good as an AD, not something completely different.
A good AD does have some business skills, because a collegiate athletic department is in essence a non profit business that can be swimming in cash. That said, you can't run an athletic department like a corporation, because donors won't stand for it. Look at Steve Patterson at Texas or Dave Brandon at Michigan for examples of business guys that had no understanding of the unique challenges and got run because of it.
I get that. But some of you guys think that organizational, financial, interpersonal skills, etc. can't transfer over to different departments or companies.

As AD you are still managing personnel, doing marketing, running a budget, etc. These are not particular to sports management.
Dealing with donors. Dealing with the conference and other ADs. When you run a company, even if you are a POS, people will put up with it, because you are turning a profit. You can't win if your donors hate you, because you need their support to afford the things that make it possible for a program to win on the field.
People sleep on Alonzo. He has a lot of experience as an NFL executive , scout and has spent a lot of time around great AD’s and Head coaches picking their brains. He‘s more qualified than some people think. He’s one of the few guys I’d be ok leading the program. Him being a former player just makes it better, he knows what this program is missing and understands the culture more than anyone.
If Zo wasn't a former letter winner, none of you would be humping his leg. This is why I can't with our fanbase. He's a "Miami Guy Bro" hire, and let's be honest, he has a lot of the same organizational blind spots a lot of our fans have, hence why he's so popular. The 80s are over, Zo has always been part of the "Miami should be a jock school" contingent and that's not happening. Get a AD that understands and embraces what Miami can and maxes it out. This isn't USC, where you can hire ex jocks with no collegiate managerial experience and things will still run somewhat.
No AD worth a **** would hire a "Football Czar". Why? Because most ADs want to have direct oversight of the most important revenue center in their department. They don't want a buffer between themselves and the most important hire they will ever made(The HC of the football program) There may be a day to day administrator, who is a puppet of the AD, but that administrator has little true power. Our fanbase overthinks this stuff, and I pray the powers that be aren't doing the same. Hire a talented, experienced, qualified AD, give them the support needed, and get out of the way. Not a complicated concept.
You’re right. No experienced AD wants to give up control of the crown jewel of the department.
@Cribby , I have no issue with Alonzono per se. I just think the better play is hire him to run football and hire a proven AD to run everything else, then he can grow into the role. How about combine Dude's recommendation on Jurich or Long PLUS Zo, who gets groomed into the larger role after he fixes football? Now that's a winning formula!
If Zo wasn't a former letter winner, none of you would be humping his leg. This is why I can't with our fanbase. He's a "Miami Guy Bro" hire, and let's be honest, he has a lot of the same organizational blind spots a lot of our fans have, hence why he's so popular. The 80s are over, Zo has always been part of the "Miami should be a jock school" contingent and that's not happening. Get a AD that understands and embraces what Miami can and maxes it out. This isn't USC, where you can hire ex jocks with no collegiate managerial experience and things will still run somewhat.
Zo is absolutely qualified regardless of his connection to UM.
any evidence that geno would know who to pick to successfully coach our teams?

basketball, baseball, etc.
You’re right. No experienced AD wants to give up control of the crown jewel of the department.

If it's a guy grooming his replacement it could work. They'd need to have a superb working relationship to be sure.
If Zo wasn't a former letter winner, none of you would be humping his leg. This is why I can't with our fanbase. He's a "Miami Guy Bro" hire, and let's be honest, he has a lot of the same organizational blind spots a lot of our fans have, hence why he's so popular. The 80s are over, Zo has always been part of the "Miami should be a jock school" contingent and that's not happening. Get a AD that understands and embraces what Miami can and maxes it out. This isn't USC, where you can hire ex jocks with no collegiate managerial experience and things will still run somewhat.
It’s as foolish to discount someone because hes a former player as it is to discount someone because he’s not a former player.

I mentioned earlier that I’m not one who thinks former players are good hires, but this case may be unique. Go listen to the man talk about the state of affairs before you pass judgement.
If Zo wasn't a former letter winner, none of you would be humping his leg. This is why I can't with our fanbase. He's a "Miami Guy Bro" hire, and let's be honest, he has a lot of the same organizational blind spots a lot of our fans have, hence why he's so popular. The 80s are over, Zo has always been part of the "Miami should be a jock school" contingent and that's not happening. Get a AD that understands and embraces what Miami can and maxes it out. This isn't USC, where you can hire ex jocks with no collegiate managerial experience and things will still run somewhat.
I never said I wanted him as AD , and I’m not humping his leg you ******* idiot. I’ve posted on here multiple times i‘d like him in an Assistant Ad / football operations type position. I think an Nfl executive with scouting experience would be huge in that position, especially since the plan is to put more effort and money into the program.

What’s funny is I deleted my post immediately after writing because I knew some ignorant **** would have your exact response, and ignorance is what I try to avoid.
Dealing with donors. Dealing with the conference and other ADs. When you run a company, even if you are a POS, people will put up with it, because you are turning a profit. You can't win if your donors hate you, because you need their support to afford the things that make it possible for a program to win on the field.
Is the currency of this department wins or schmoozing?
Great so you’re saying add more layers of bureaucracy. Experienced athletic directors are also advised, the difference is they have relevant experience being an athletic directors. Having someone without at athletic director experience is a mistake. Because they don’t have the judgment of someone that has experience, therefore advice that they get will not be properly filtered through the lens of relevant experience.

It’s extra important for the university of Miami to have an athletic director with experience in the field, because there is less football knowledge and overall sports knowledge at the University of Miami than there is another institutions. The Alabamas, Ohio States and UGAs of the world have a broader base of booster money and experience to rely on.

So let’s get an Athletic Director with no experience in charge of department with less experience to be advised by those people with less experience. Makes perfect sense.

I think we've made the rounds on this already. The horse has been beaten to death as well as the occasional straw man. I am not sure where you are getting that I am advocating "layers of bureaucracy" or favor an AD to be advised by people "with less experience". You are making this up as you go along.
@Cribby , I have no issue with Alonzono per se. I just think the better play is hire him to run football and hire a proven AD to run everything else, then he can grow into the role. How about combine Dude's recommendation on Jurich or Long PLUS Zo, who gets groomed into the larger role after he fixes football? Now that's a winning formula!
I’d prefer him in a step below Ad but I wouldn’t be upset at Ad. One day I’ll go into why I’m that confident in him but as for now I’ll just say **** @Canedude08 .
Dealing with donors. Dealing with the conference and other ADs. When you run a company, even if you are a POS, people will put up with it, because you are turning a profit. You can't win if your donors hate you, because you need their support to afford the things that make it possible for a program to win on the field. are you saying donors would hate Gino as AD?
If Zo is the right dude for the AD role, let him interview with other candidates and prove it.

I'm not against hiring alumni but let's conduct an actual nation-wide search and find the best, most qualified, innovative, candidate.

I love Gino and appreciate all he's done for the program. But, would I take him over a guy who has P5 experience and has had success in a similar role? No.

I love Zo, but, I not oblivious to the fact that he's been hitting the media circuit extremely hard to win over the fan base and give himself some buzz for a position that doesn't exist at UM.

If these two are the best available, then I'm down. But make them earn it. No more freebies and bull**** interview process'. Conduct an actual nationwide search and see just who is actually interested in this position. Then, let go from there.
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