After rewatching the game

we will kick some *** this year. Just looking at the two teams minus the rankings and hype I thing we would beat them 9 times out of 10. Playing the SEC gives you a better understanding of where your team really is. LSU caught all of the lucky breaks in the game. Willis and Jeff Thomas was by far the best players on the field in the respective units.
This is the best Miami team I've seen in years minus the stupid penalties. The OL was not over matched they didn't have the continuity being it was the first game LSU took advantage of it. If this game happens at the end of the year we'd whip this. We really had one bad quarter (the second quarter) which cost us the game. The team is stacked in most positions and Richt has put us in position to take that next step. Rosier is Rosier but we can win every game on our schedule with him. We won't beat any elite teams with him but that's not just because of him. Our depth is young but talented. We will look remarkably different by the end of the year. Play calling is not as bad as I thought. Rosier is just limited and I know Richt is well aware of this. I do understand why he's sticking with Rosier. This man has coached a couple of elite QBs
Whoever is next year's QB the offense will be downright scary. Next year if the junior class decide to come back I think we will be borderline elite. but we're not there this year. Elite teams don't beat themselves. Lastly, this program has taken great strides over the past 3 years. I'm going to trust the process. JMHO.
Nice sentiments, but you’re out of your freaking mine.
**** takes time. That's why you have a Rosier starting and Robert Knowles playing on defense. Depth is still an issue. We got caught up in the rankings and hype but this team will get better No other program had the issues we've had to deal with. WE HAD 1 BAD QUARTER OF FOOTBALL. The second quarter. LSU scored 6 points the second half and don't give me that the scrubs were in **** either because they wasn't

Agree with this. Still not happy at all with how we played and we cant roll **** out like this ever again. But even with how bad we played, we are 1 pick six, stopping the 50yd TD run, and making our 40yd field goal from sneaking out with a W. Again not pleased at all and was embarrassed with the play, but game was still winnable if we dont ***** ourselves in that 1 quarter primarily. Still hopefully for the season but would like to see some QB changes or at least some honest competition.
Here's the thing, I still think UM is a good team and can have a really good season

It really comes down to one spot basically

And in my view they have a few weeks before Oct 6th to fix that particular problem or at least begin to fix it. If they don't watch the fan support erode and the lockerroom become divided
You think wrong, my friend. It really comes down to a whole list of things:
O line
Play calling
Run D
Coaching (QB)

A mere repeat of last year, for the most part, is unacceptable without changes to groom future talent.
Arent we suppose to beat LSU though?

Not sure where that impression came from. Canes were ranked high in preseason, which is one of my top criteria, but it was an overboard fragile escalation based on last season. Big picture and long term none of the evaluations of college football talent level had Miami ahead of LSU, which has been a recruiting powerhouse year after year and always joins Alabama and Ohio State as the most physically imposing rosters in the country.

Somehow that was lost on this forum, and IMO is it largely due to willful gullibility backed by the administrators so willing to push the theme that South Florida talent is overpowering and once Miami is stocked then we automatically trump any other program.

As I posted yesterday, the good news is that only perhaps a half dozen or so programs have birthright to physically push us around as LSU did. Virginia Tech is not one of them. I don't understand the sudden elevation of Virginia Tech or concession that we'll lose that game. One game...big deal. Virginia Tech is a nice program but they are on our level or slightly below in terms of big picture talent acquisition. Let's put it this way...the Canes can use emotion and crowd energy to run out Virginia Tech and make them look bad last season. Put LSU's roster on the other side of the field and that game is not unfolding that way. Not a chance.

LSU may have offensive and quarterbacking deficits that cause simplistic fans to scoff and underrate them frequently, but the program is so stacked physically that they out rushed Alabama 151 yards to 116 last season on the road as a 21 point underdog. It was Alabama's lowest rushing output of the season. In fact, in Alabama's other regular season SEC games the rushing totals were 496 vs. Vanderbilt, 365 vs. Mississippi, 232 vs. Texas A&M, 308 vs. Arkansas, 272 vs. Tennessee, 202 vs. Mississippi State, and 211 versus Auburn.

Somehow that physical reality was set aside and conveniently wished away here, as posters chose to look at the bowl game against Notre Dame, or loss to Troy, or whatever.

Compilation links like the one below from February are always great to flush out short term subjective crap and restore wide scope clarity regarding talent level. Naturally it will cause posters here to scoff at one ranking or another. Meanwhile, that is the same type forecasting Miami to crush LSU just a few days ago.
We were beaten by a better team with better athletes and better coaching:oops:. Just leave it at that and move on to Sisters of the Poor we play this weekend.
we will kick some *** this year. Just looking at the two teams minus the rankings and hype I thing we would beat them 9 times out of 10. Playing the SEC gives you a better understanding of where your team really is. LSU caught all of the lucky breaks in the game. Willis and Jeff Thomas was by far the best players on the field in the respective units.
This is the best Miami team I've seen in years minus the stupid penalties. The OL was not over matched they didn't have the continuity being it was the first game LSU took advantage of it. If this game happens at the end of the year we'd whip this. We really had one bad quarter (the second quarter) which cost us the game. The team is stacked in most positions and Richt has put us in position to take that next step. Rosier is Rosier but we can win every game on our schedule with him. We won't beat any elite teams with him but that's not just because of him. Our depth is young but talented. We will look remarkably different by the end of the year. Play calling is not as bad as I thought. Rosier is just limited and I know Richt is well aware of this. I do understand why he's sticking with Rosier. This man has coached a couple of elite QBs
Whoever is next year's QB the offense will be downright scary. Next year if the junior class decide to come back I think we will be borderline elite. but we're not there this year. Elite teams don't beat themselves. Lastly, this program has taken great strides over the past 3 years. I'm going to trust the process. JMHO.
I agree that there were many good things and some bad breaks, thinking those mistakes will be eliminated is being optimistic...I am optimistic too! I do believe that Jon Richt is a liability and Rosier has had plenty of opportunity to show what he has and that is not much. His best asset is he is a tough kid but teams are ready for his scrambling, especially elite teams so he shot his wad and time to find a more accurate QB. Our young QB's are supposedly "potentially" great QB's, well it is time to show what they have and not waste a year with Rosier.
Not sure where that impression came from. Canes were ranked high in preseason, which is one of my top criteria, but it was an overboard fragile escalation based on last season. Big picture and long term none of the evaluations of college football talent level had Miami ahead of LSU, which has been a recruiting powerhouse year after year and always joins Alabama and Ohio State as the most physically imposing rosters in the country.

Somehow that was lost on this forum, and IMO is it largely due to willful gullibility backed by the administrators so willing to push the theme that South Florida talent is overpowering and once Miami is stocked then we automatically trump any other program.

As I posted yesterday, the good news is that only perhaps a half dozen or so programs have birthright to physically push us around as LSU did. Virginia Tech is not one of them. I don't understand the sudden elevation of Virginia Tech or concession that we'll lose that game. One game...big deal. Virginia Tech is a nice program but they are on our level or slightly below in terms of big picture talent acquisition. Let's put it this way...the Canes can use emotion and crowd energy to run out Virginia Tech and make them look bad last season. Put LSU's roster on the other side of the field and that game is not unfolding that way. Not a chance.

LSU may have offensive and quarterbacking deficits that cause simplistic fans to scoff and underrate them frequently, but the program is so stacked physically that they out rushed Alabama 151 yards to 116 last season on the road as a 21 point underdog. It was Alabama's lowest rushing output of the season. In fact, in Alabama's other regular season SEC games the rushing totals were 496 vs. Vanderbilt, 365 vs. Mississippi, 232 vs. Texas A&M, 308 vs. Arkansas, 272 vs. Tennessee, 202 vs. Mississippi State, and 211 versus Auburn.

Somehow that physical reality was set aside and conveniently wished away here, as posters chose to look at the bowl game against Notre Dame, or loss to Troy, or whatever.

Compilation links like the one below from February are always great to flush out short term subjective crap and restore wide scope clarity regarding talent level. Naturally it will cause posters here to scoff at one ranking or another. Meanwhile, that is the same type forecasting Miami to crush LSU just a few days ago.
I dont think we lose to VT I dont think we should loseto anyone else if our qb play is better. My thing is this staff wont beat more talented squads with x's and o's and if our goal is a title then we fuqed. If our goal isnt a title then by all means root for the staff.