After rewatching the game

Of course we will kick some *** this year. Have you seen our cupcake schedule? When you’re going to play teams like Savannah State, FIU and Toledo the next three weeks things will get a lot easier. The main reason why we won ten games last year was because of our schedule. We just had a couple of good teams that we played just like this year. We could easily go 10-2 but don’t go throw a parade because the U isn’t back it just means that we have a weak schedule. If we were like LSU who has to face Auburn, Ole Miss, Florida, Mississippi State, Alabama, etc.. then we would be lucky to even win eight games. That’s why Ritch isn’t too worried about Rosier because he knows he’s “good” enough to win some cupcakes games in order to have a “winning season”.

As of now, even if the Canes finish with only one lost for the rest of the year(which is possible) just remember this game to remind ourselves that we’re pretenders not contenders before we get destroy by Clemson again.

Don’t believe the hype, we’re frauds. We still need a couple more seasons to become legit
Couldn't have watched the same game I did.

You do realize that Sunday night was a culmination of months of off-season preparation, right? And yet we still got our a$$ kicked. We looked completely unprepared.

And Knowles being in the game is not a depth issue, it's a substitution issue. Knowles doesn't NEED to see the field.

ST blunders
Our OL play being very inconsistent
Richt play calling
Manny - dumb substitutions, bad alignments
Malik Rosier

Every single one of the items I mentioned was an issue in 2017. They had 9 months to clean up these items and prepare for LSU.

LSU was able to gameplan and throw in enough wrinkles to “surprise” Miami enough to win the game, where were the wrinkles from the Miami staff? Stefan Adams’ recap hit the nail on the head, same ol same ol from this Miami staff. If they are expecting to run their systems but try to feed us that it takes time and improving the talent, it’s just a cop out.

Our coaching staff is lazily put together. Dugans was the only legit hire, and he almost left this offseason. Searles and Manny were floundering around with mediocre success and everyone else was 100% green (**** near every defensive coach) or underqualified for their position (Hartley and Brown Lil Richt)

I really hope I’m wrong and I love my Canes but Richt and Manny will hold us back. Their level of stubbornness from a playcalling and coach staffing standpoint will hurt our chances at a 6th ring
Couldn't have watched the same game I did.

You do realize that Sunday night was a culmination of months of off-season preparation, right? And yet we still got our a$$ kicked. We looked completely unprepared.

And Knowles being in the game is not a depth issue, it's a substitution issue. Knowles doesn't NEED to see the field.

Reality is we are lucky to be playing in the ACC this year. With this team and the major issues we have at OL/DT depth/CB depth we would be a 6-6 team in the SEC. Its a 2 game schedule. FSU and VT. **** maybe just VT because FSU didn't look good either. Everyone else on that schedule just isn't very good. I watched UNC play Cal. They are bad. Duke looked so-so against Army. UVA is UVA. GTECH could make it a game that we sweat out. BC could make it a game. But the ACC Coastal is down this year as a whole.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if we were 11-1 but barely in the top 10 at seasons end.
I can't comment on anything after the Pick 6. I turned the **** off and I have never done that before.

ST blunders
Our OL play being very inconsistent
Richt play calling
Manny - dumb substitutions, bad alignments
Malik Rosier

Every single one of the items I mentioned was an issue in 2017. They had 9 months to clean up these items and prepare for LSU.

LSU was able to gameplan and throw in enough wrinkles to “surprise” Miami enough to win the game, where were the wrinkles from the Miami staff? Stefan Adams’ recap hit the nail on the head, same ol same ol from this Miami staff. If they are expecting to run their systems but try to feed us that it takes time and improving the talent, it’s just a cop out.

Our coaching staff is lazily put together. Dugans was the only legit hire, and he almost left this offseason. Searles and Manny were floundering around with mediocre success and everyone else was 100% green (**** near every defensive coach) or underqualified for their position (Hartley and Brown Lil Richt)

I really hope I’m wrong and I love my Canes but Richt and Manny will hold us back. Their level of stubbornness from a playcalling and coach staffing standpoint will hurt our chances at a 6th ring

That 6th ring isn't coming anytime soon man, at least not with this staff so it is best to get that idea out of your head.
we will kick some *** this year. Just looking at the two teams minus the rankings and hype I thing we would beat them 9 times out of 10. Playing the SEC gives you a better understanding of where your team really is. LSU caught all of the lucky breaks in the game. Willis and Jeff Thomas was by far the best players on the field in the respective units.
This is the best Miami team I've seen in years minus the stupid penalties. The OL was not over matched they didn't have the continuity being it was the first game LSU took advantage of it. If this game happens at the end of the year we'd whip this. We really had one bad quarter (the second quarter) which cost us the game. The team is stacked in most positions and Richt has put us in position to take that next step. Rosier is Rosier but we can win every game on our schedule with him. We won't beat any elite teams with him but that's not just because of him. Our depth is young but talented. We will look remarkably different by the end of the year. Play calling is not as bad as I thought. Rosier is just limited and I know Richt is well aware of this. I do understand why he's sticking with Rosier. This man has coached a couple of elite QBs
Whoever is next year's QB the offense will be downright scary. Next year if the junior class decide to come back I think we will be borderline elite. but we're not there this year. Elite teams don't beat themselves. Lastly, this program has taken great strides over the past 3 years. I'm going to trust the process. JMHO.
Were u watching the 88 game?
We got flat out embarrassed in front of God and country. This was a game all of America was watching, the only CFB game on a Sunday night. It was the game to show the world we were ready to compete in CFB. Instead we got destroyed in every phase of the game. A complete shellacking from a LSU team not expected to do much this year. They had a young offensive line missing starters, freshman corners (except one), new quarterback, runningback, receivers....didn't matter. They did what they wanted, when they wanted to the Hurrican'ts.

VT is gonna push our **** in at Blacksburg and take the Coastal this year. Bud Foster is gonna chew up Blowsier and spit him out. Those boys are ready.
BC is gonna be a death match as well, 50/50 chance we lose there this year.
FSU will be the game of ineptness vs ineptness, their defense is fairly good and we see that a decent defense is enough to shut us down. 50/50 chance we lose to the Noles this year if Blowsier is stil quarterback.
Duke, NC, Toledo will be close games we eventually pull ahead in the 4th, just like last year.

And just like last year , it is gonna be a bumpy ride this year. Pray for turnovers, it is what gave us our 10-0 record.
When I rewatched the game they looked just as bad if not worse than the last 3 games last season. Even the most casual observer can see the biggest problem is the QB. Unless Rosier is replaced I can see us struggle against every team left but Sav St. No one will.ever convince me that any one of the other 3 QB,s would not look better.
**** takes time. That's why you have a Rosier starting and Robert Knowles playing on defense. Depth is still an issue. We got caught up in the rankings and hype but this team will get better No other program had the issues we've had to deal with. WE HAD 1 BAD QUARTER OF FOOTBALL. The second quarter. LSU scored 6 points the second half and don't give me that the scrubs were in **** either because they wasn't
I wonder if PickleRicht is now ready to discuss Rozier?

Krazy, Pickle and Loose Cannon used to team up on me about Maweak. When I said he is what he is and got a ton breaks last year. From turnovers galore and Hail Mary throws, that team/ qb was a mirage.
**** takes time. That's why you have a Rosier starting and Robert Knowles playing on defense. Depth is still an issue. We got caught up in the rankings and hype but this team will get better No other program had the issues we've had to deal with. WE HAD 1 BAD QUARTER OF FOOTBALL. The second quarter. LSU scored 6 points the second half and don't give me that the scrubs were in **** either because they wasn't

Blaming depth now? This sounds familiar.

And LSU obviously pulled the dogs off since it was 33 to freaking 3. Their gamelan was to do the least bit possible the rest of that game. Only a complete meltdown would’ve gotten us back in the game.
We'll go as far this year as the QB position carries's obvious this year Rosier isn't the solution

THis team is capable of rallying and helping to carry another QB....but it's seem that they are too frustrated and totally done trying to overcome Rosiers' evergrowing multitude of deficiencies.