"AD has no money"


Nov 5, 2011
Tim Reynolds ‏
Miami announced today that the Hurricane Club has surpassed $100 million in giving as part of the school's Momentum2 Campaign. #NotBad

Obviously that isn't for just football, but further proof that these dummies aren't as poor as people make them out to be.

You telling me they couldn't raise enough money to fund a proper coaching stuff if they really wanted to?
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Of course they could. But to them the ideal coach is one who has elite APR results. That's why Golden was the top choice. They ain't trying to win; it's an experiment to be bragged about at Donna's fish-eater dinner parties.
Yeah, Blake James doesn't want Miami to win championships.

Just stupid.

I am sure he wants to. I guess. But is there serious pressure to? Is there a win at all cost? As long as in the rules. What is the culture created by Blake and his boss? To me I know the answer. I am not blind. I see their work the last ten yrs.
Yeah, Blake James doesn't want Miami to win championships.

Just stupid.

Simply wanting Miami to win national championships without taking any serious steps to make that happen might as well be the same thing as not wanting to win.

"Hey canecountry, I noticed your house was on fire. I really wanted to put it out though so it's all good my man!"
"Oh man, thanks Blake what did you do?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like did you call the fire department? Turn on a neighbors hose? Throw buckets of water at it? Rush inside of to smother the burning couch with a wet blanket?"
"Nah man, I didn't do anything like that. But I really wanted to put it out."
"But you didn't actually do anything to put it out?"
"And my house?"
"Oh it's a total loss. Smoldering ruble right now."
"You're a real piece of **** Blake."
But I thought the school didn't care enough to put together a fundraising campaign for athletics?

Now spend it on the football team. Hire top notch coach and coordinators. Mediocre for ten yrs. proof is in the pudding. Wait I thought the powers that be want ncs? Win the acc or get out. The rest is garbage.
The more I think about the I am disgusted. It sure will be fun watching a bowl game this yr. We will have a month to prepare. Should be good.
Wow! I bet the chess team is salivating!!!!

Can you say new clocks kiddies?!!!!

You laugh, but according to Mikail Bakasavich, Miami has a class full of 5* Ukrainian grand masters coming in. You could definitely say Miami chess is: Тенденции до!
Need to have a plan in place for a nice IPF no later than Christmas to be ready for use by the 2015 season. Get it done
Why does anyone think Miami will ever build a stadium? Those things cost hundreds of millions of dollars....and for what? 7 homes games, 4-5 of which bring in 25k fans? The rest of the time it sits empty? How does that make any sense economically for a small private university?
The same people saying that Miami is too poor to get rid of Golden are the same people who defended Golden, defended D'onofrio, defended Shannon, and defended Coker. Same people who said Coker wasn't getting fired, said Shannon wasn't getting fired, and say that Golden isn't getting fired. Same people that say that Miami can't afford any good assistant coaches even though we hire guys like Bill Young and Mark Whpple. Yet they don't learn.
Some numbers on some recent stadiums built.

Baylor's new stadium that holds 55K cost $266 million.

Tulane's new stadium that holds 30K cost $75 million.

FAU's stadium built in 2011 that holds 30K cost $70 million.
Why does anyone think Miami will ever build a stadium? Those things cost hundreds of millions of dollars....and for what? 7 homes games, 4-5 of which bring in 25k fans? The rest of the time it sits empty? How does that make any sense economically for a small private university?

it made more since to fix the one we had instead of knocking it down to put the money into new building for the geeks