According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

Academic ranking or popularity ranking (US News)?

Is there a reliable source for the former?

Like it or not, that is the currency of the kingdom.

I may hate the US News rankings, but UM is not trending in the right direction for academics right now, rankings or not.
No bullcrap, this is one of the most important and insightful posts on the entire thread.

Let's have some perspective here. As I have pointed out, Frenk still has not gotten a new 5-year contract. In theory, he could be "out" at Miami by 2022.

So if Mario does NOT get written contractual assurances, and if Mario relies on oral promises, then he has NOTHING to fall back on if/when the Miami BOT ****cans Frenk and hires someone else. And, yes, these WRITTEN contractual assurances, particularly for NEW items, is completely unprecedented. Yes, Richt wanted an IPF, but we had already started planning for, and fund-raising for, an IPF at the time Richt was hired.

UM Legal has been working overtime for the last few weeks, but I think it will all pay off when Mario puts his Juan Hancock on the contract.
This makes a lot sense. Smart for Mario to get in in writing.
This is the guy credited for breaking Mario hired as Oregon's HC. Beyond Bruce Feldman tweeting it.. it's official.

Miami side says its done. Oregon guy says its done.

He also told Oregon people to stop saying Oregon is a better job than Miami… he was like a job is a job with the people you have in place. That’s what makes it good
This is the guy credited for breaking Mario hired as Oregon's HC. Beyond Bruce Feldman tweeting it.. it's official.

Miami side says its done. Oregon guy says its done.

He was wrong yesterday, but love the way he’s been dunking on Oregon fans and their views on Miami.
This is the guy credited for breaking Mario hired as Oregon's HC. Beyond Bruce Feldman tweeting it.. it's official.

Miami side says its done. Oregon guy says its done.
Is Manny Diaz invited to the meeting?

How the **** has that guy still not been fired yet?