According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

7 minutes til heaven boys
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Nobody is stringing him along. It's obvious that he's known he's been fired for weeks. This is a false narrative.

Agreed. Manny has know for almost 2 months that they were going to replace him at the end of the season. He could have pulled a Patterson and say **** this I'm out of here but he handled it better. He continued to recruit and win games. He just wasn't a good enough coach to move forward with.
There’s no arguing that the local media needs to be purged and people need to be reprimanded for vehemently attacking the school.

It’s also true that the university openly invited these attacks from their infatuation with announcing the hires simultaneously (assuming that’s what the wait was for). A lot of this could have been avoided if Mario was announced last night or Saturday, or if Manny was fired…I mean really, when was the last time you saw an HC get pursued so aggressively while another was still employed?

Good thing is this will all be forgotten in a few weeks once the dust settles and we’re snagging recruits left and right.
look even playing d3 means something. you can't expect kids to do something you never did. Football is different. Two a days, s&c, etc. the game is too physical for someone who never played to demand from the kids. Mario can tell war stories, Manny can talk about editing videos at espn. Manny also makes a fool of himself, the cleats, the props, slip and slide, etc. you need a presence
Mike Leach never played a down and people here love him. Same goes for Hugh Freeze. Also Bill Clark from UAB. Manny not playing aint the reason. He just doesn't have it.
Manny N clarified -- the assistants stopped on their own. no one in miami admin told them to stop (LOL SURE).
You really think that assistant coaches would be insubordinate to their boss? They just want Mario to get the chance at 11a est to speak with his team. Manny should be fired after that. That news will be the break of Mario (I know…captain obvious).
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Because Manny was probably their plan B if Mario said no or changed his mind, and Manny was presumably okay with that. As WhatTheHell posted earlier, they learned nothing from the last search. They should have fired Manny along with Blake, installed a new AD and let the AD do his thing. Instead they focused all of their efforts on pursuing one candidate and unsurprisingly it turned into a circus. Moot point I guess since they got their man but this could have easily blown up in their face. A lot the bad optics could have been avoided if they handled the search differently.

It’s really not a circus that is the emotional fan base and media making this out to be some rollercoaster ride like a 9th grade girls 1st prom

It’s actually been pretty str8 forward.

Manny was told that his job status would decided upon by the next AD.

New AD candidates prefer Lane/Mario to Manny.

Candidate #1 is Mario. Clearly he wanted to wait until his season ended to have formal negotiations.

AD canidate #1 in a holding pattern waiting to get confirmation that Miami can land a top coach.

Mario was very transparent that he would hear the from the U.

Looks like those talks started Saturday, progressed into Sunday and he is expected to sign today or move on.

That would wrap up this entire saga in 72 hours.

Hardly a circus except for the ppl who’ve been refreshing Twitter every 5 minutes looking to find out if Mario ate an orange or an avacado for breakfast and what that means about his decision.