According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

David lake said infamously that all the noise and misinformation out there was a play to make the admin and university look like a total joke…

but any of whom that have attended the university or have close ties to those who work there, in ANY capacity, know that perception is in fact reality here. This type of chaos aligns perfectly with the “Banana Republic” namesake that describes our local government. They literally have done zero % of what they set out to do, and also have done it slower than all of our competitors, while being squarely in the public eye.

I hate it here, ****

Look, Frenk may have awoken after a 6 year slumber, but he also didn't suddenly become competent. Anything that has been done properly since Frenk sent out his terrible letter after Herbstreit's comments has been due to the competence of Echevarria and Fernandez.
You can tell he’s never done it before, sure.

But he didn’t let nerves or perception drive the search.

No ***** given. One goal in mind. And he got it done. Having an advisor with experience being a special advisor to George W and a guy with a Public Accounting background and former CEO of something like Deloitte.. he was well equipped to do exactly what just got done.

I’m so sick of the media’s narrative about how we handled it.. if coaches do good they have the school by the balls while they entertain other jobs. No one cares. But when a coach sucks, what’s wrong with the school doing the same? Manny knew the entire time. He could resign if it was so bad.
I'm sure he's happily collecting his paycheck every 2 weeks.
You can tell he’s never done it before, sure.

But he didn’t let nerves or perception drive the search.

No ***** given. One goal in mind. And he got it done. Having an advisor with experience being a special advisor to George W and a guy with a Public Accounting background and former CEO of something like Deloitte.. he was well equipped to do exactly what just got done.

I’m so sick of the media’s narrative about how we handled it.. if coaches do good they have the school by the balls while they entertain other jobs. No one cares. But when a coach sucks, what’s wrong with the school doing the same? Manny knew the entire time. He could resign if it was so bad.
"you go to miami, nobody like you" Ed Reed
If all of this is correct, IM JUST SAYIN... it is odd and we didn't really learn our lesson from the last coaching change.

1. Simultaneous offers out to a head coach and an athletic director, but they haven't even met each other yet.

2. An AD had no say in the hire.

3. This would be the second straight hire with zero national search conducted.

4. It's now public knowledge you're awaiting a decision on hiring a new coach, while you still employ your current coach.

Seems like a really dysfunctional process, and one where we had the chance to re-organize our power structure to be more in line with the traditional method of the President and athletic director handling hirings, not two BOT members.

Instead we got this. Hopefully this madness ends with a coaching upgrade, but you have to call it like it is.
You’re not wrong, but at least the head coach target this go around is a legitimate coach and one of the hotter names on the market. Doesn’t mean he will succeed or be the right guy, but at least hiring Mario is defensible and other top teams tried to interview him.
No offense, but why would you get the delay? Pretty much nobody posting or tweeting or thinking about this while they take a **** has the first clue about what’s going on with Mario, or his family, or his legal counsel, or his agent, or Oregon, etc.
I'm just saying I can't picture it turning out any other way than him coming here. From a public relations perspective (which I am qualified to speak on, since I am part of the public), it would be disastrous for him to go back to Oregon now. So he might as well just pull the trigger.
Lol imagine if they announce a fire and hire and then Mario changes his mind. That would be such a Miami thing to happen.
I still don’t get why the keep Stringing Manny along, should’ve fired him after Duke or kept him. This whole Mario or bust is a stupid and make the university looks clueless. Maybe they have a reason( they don’t want kids to jump in the portal) but they are doing a horrible job putting out the message. Yes I know the leaks cause it but it just shows that nobody is leading this university.
Ya I’d love to hear the rationale behind this after it’s all over. I understand certain aspects of why you would do this but it just seems like an unnecessary hassle.
Do you think we should hire a coach who publicly begs for an offer by having his agent leak stories to the press?
Does not matter he is a retrobate nor he is always looking for next opportunity. He is about to win 11 games at Ole Miss, baby. Bring him to me. If Miami hired him, then so be it, but most of the Lane Train fans have neither attended Miami nor are season ticketholders nor do nothing more than watch games every Saturday and every now and then attend a game via StubHub. Look, if Miami hired Kiffin, it would be entertaining and I obviously would be on board.