According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

The craziest part of this is watching one person make a poorly worded unsourced statement and then watching multiple outlets, many of them supposed big name people or media outlets take this unsourced data and repeat it. Then it gets repeated by everyone as gospel when it has no basis in truth.

Lake says he trusts Ruiz but has no source or reason to think anything has changed. Now, 247 reporter David lake is concerned….next it will be treated as gospel on Twitter and everyone says what a shiitshow Miami is.
Exactly how things are now with everything in the news and world, it’s all a chit show for clicks and agendas. Mama said Twitterz is the devil
Just stop. Mario has won the PAC 12 twice in the last 3 years. Miami has won the ACC Never. Mario has double-digit wins twice in the last 3 years. Miami has done that once in the last 18.
62-60 and just got his shït pushed in in his conference Championship game. If it was anyone else, no one on here would be excited about him being the coach
If all of this is correct, IM JUST SAYIN... it is odd and we didn't really learn our lesson from the last coaching change.

1. Simultaneous offers out to a head coach and an athletic director, but they haven't even met each other yet.

2. An AD had no say in the hire.

3. This would be the second straight hire with zero national search conducted.

4. It's now public knowledge you're awaiting a decision on hiring a new coach, while you still employ your current coach.

Seems like a really dysfunctional process, and one where we had the chance to re-organize our power structure to be more in line with the traditional method of the President and athletic director handling hirings, not two BOT members.

Instead we got this. Hopefully this madness ends with a coaching upgrade, but you have to call it like it is.
Exactly how things are now with everything in the news and world, it’s all a chit show for clicks and agendas. Mama said Twitterz is the devil
Those of y'all blaming Mario for being a diva, indecisive, etc - keep in mind all your info is coming from these vague and nebulous "insiders" and "sauces" on Twitter. For all we know, Mario has been committal since the beginning and just wants to do right by Oregon before officially parting ways. My point is - we don't know, but I have a feeling we're being fed a lot of fake and third-hand info.
I do believe Mario has known his decision for quite some time. which is why he should of made a clean break. you don't help anyone out by leading them on. the most successful people are ruthless, cutthroat.
Mario has this idyllic view of his exit where everyone is happy for him and no one is hurt. That's why he is still continuing with recruiting visits for Oregon because he wants to leave them on a good note. The problem is that just isn't possible in today's day and age, and any chance to leave on his own terms tell his coaches and his players himself before anything got out was ruined by multiple reports. He's pretty naive to have thought that would not happen. Hopefully you comes to the realization that there is no perfect way to do this and get out now.
Thanks Coach. We all look forward to your homecoming and press introduction. Please note how bad our LBs are on your way in so you can address the situation. We u derstand that you’re in a bind. Many just want this nightmare of 20 years to end and are looking forward to brighter days. The sooner the better as we all have feelings and 20 years of pain has made many of us not who we normally are.
UM once hired a coach with a 29-25 record at Okie State, and that turned out ok.

Furthermore, that former Oklahoma State coach was ripped by the Miami press for "always losing the big games" in 1984. And 1985. And 1986.

Only in 1987 did the UM fans in SoFla, and the SoFla press, give favorable feedback on that coach.

And then a year later he was gone.
Yeah, it sucks. Sometimes bridges burn because someone fails to put out the fire.
I’m like Mario , very loyal and how people see my character matters. Especially those close to me. I’ve made things worse trying to make everyone happy , even though it was torturing me to do it lol. At some point you gotta man up rip the bandaid off . At this point he’s getting the result he tried so hard to avoid. If it goes in longer he’ll do permanent damage to his reputation and alienate tow fanbase.
I don't really get the delay here... The decision is as good as made. Is Mario really gonna go back to his team and administration and Phil Knight after all this flirting with Miami and try to carry on with a straight face? I can't see it.
F*ck it hire Tom Herman and theres still plenty of $$ for a top notch DC. Signing day is fast approaching and this guy still can’t make up his mind move on.

He's not interested. He still gets paid 5 million and some change while being an analyst for the Chicago Bears. He's probably enjoying the cush job while learning and waiting for his next gig after next year.
I don't really get the delay here... The decision is as good as made. Is Mario really gonna go back to his team and administration and Phil Knight after all this flirting with Miami and try to carry on with a straight face? I can't see it.

No offense, but why would you get the delay? Pretty much nobody posting or tweeting or thinking about this while they take a **** has the first clue about what’s going on with Mario, or his family, or his legal counsel, or his agent, or Oregon, etc.