According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

I find it hard to believe that if they want to talk about finally taking football serious that if a Mario deal falls through, they just hold onto to Manny. That shows the opposite of taking football serious. Throw money at Lane. Throw money at Arranda. Throw it at Fickel. You don’t stick with a bozo who can’t recruit.
#1 Mike Ryan should’ve kept his mouth shut. He said what he had to say already, the tweets this morning were unnecessary. Clearly trying to make a name for himself, I get it, but he made this look worse than it is.

#2 The national media is deathly afraid and will do anything in their power to bring Miami down, and make a mess of this situation. They all know nothing and are citing each other as sources. Also, those crying about what we are doing to Manny.. this is business, but it is clear that they are attempting to sabotage the optics of this hire. Manny is not recruiting today.
I agree many in the media are bogus clowns, but TBH, if Mario is inclined to accept Miami's offer, getting that said and done AND SIGNED before their ALAMO Bowl Press conference now underway, would show both Class and Efficiency.
Again the longer we don’t announce SOMETHING, the worse it’ll look. No arguing against this now, but if we don’t care about taking a beating now because the final product will be worth it, then sure.
Manny SR getting Twitter to come to his son rescue. Lots of people in the football world are coming out and sticking up for him

IF and a this is a big IF true, and Manny is retained because Mario decides not to take the job, how the **** do they expect him to do his job???? He'd be the laughing stock of CFB. On top of that, Lashlee is gone - how do they expect him to hire a new OC??? Who the **** is their right mind would come?

This has to be a joke. Manny should have been relieved of his duties a long time ago. Reach out to Mario, but have a **** back up plan.
#1 Mike Ryan should’ve kept his mouth shut. He said what he had to say already, the tweets this morning were unnecessary. Clearly trying to make a name for himself, I get it, but he made this look worse than it is.

#2 The national media is deathly afraid and will do anything in their power to bring Miami down, and make a mess of this situation. They all know nothing and are citing each other as sources. Also, those crying about what we are doing to Manny.. this is business, but it is clear that they are attempting to sabotage the optics of this hire. Manny is not recruiting today.
They are right about keeping Manny around though. Manny needs to be fired right now. This would never be going down with a half respectable coach.
the media is sabotaging us right now. From the reports of it being a sh*t show days ago with ad search up until now.
The media isn't doing **** actually.

An Oregon reporter reported that Rad was going Miami and guess what the national media did... They reported the truth, that Rad to Miami wasn't a done deal (and still isn't).

Mike Ryan reported that Mario accepted at Miami and guess what the national media did... They reported what seems to be the truth, that Mario to Miami isn't a done deal and he's still weighing his options.

A few local reporters haven't been irresponsible, but the vast majority of media folk have been responsible. It's not over until the dotted line is singed. Period.
I agree many in the media are bogus clowns, but TBH, if Mario is inclined to accept Miami's offer, getting that said and done AND SIGNED before their ALAMO Bowl Press conference now underway, would show both Class and Efficiency.

Brian Kelly had assistants in recruits homes as he was announcing he was leaving.

This is the business.
Seems pretty obvious Cristobal doesn’t want it to blow up official until he talks to his team. At least that’s the optimist in me
Then he shoulda moved up that meeting as soon as Mike Ryan tweeted what he tweeted. There was no way he was gonna escape this issue. And there is no way to handle it "correctly"
Oh and this keeping Manny thing is a ploy. Politically strategized media pressure from the outside started by none other than the slimeball BOT members in order to sway public opinion on the situation. Trying to get people comfortable with keeping Manny even though that option is not on the table. Almost as if they think the fan base will start saying “**** it bring Manny back”
IF and a this is a big IF true, and Manny is retained because Mario decides not to take the job, how the **** do they expect him to do his job???? He'd be the laughing stock of CFB. On top of that, Lashlee is gone - how do they expect him to hire a new OC??? Who the **** is their right mind would come?

This has to be a joke. Manny should have been relieved of his duties a long time ago. Reach out to Mario, but have a **** back up plan.
He's already the laughing stock of college football. There will be banners week 1 if he is retained.