According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

It's just a zoom meeting with no press questions

Still odd if he announced as going to Miami a few hours later
They won’t listen dude. Even our own fans can only handle checkers things
So much chess that the AD they want isn't so secure. How about you stop buying into Miami being some buttoned up all ducks in a row type of outfit? Already been mentioned that the Mario **** got out before they wanted it to. IF they truly were grandmasters guys like Cribby and Ruiz would be just as shocked as everyone else when stuff comes out.
You think you know things you don’t. Manny knew how this would be handled and announced. Just because we don’t doesn’t mean he didn’t
Funny thing is Cribby pretty much had the same sentiment but I don’t see you calling him out.
I'm not that emotionally invested in the twist and turns but there no was reason for him to be traveling out to California. Not when **** is done. It was not needed and good that someone put a stop to it.
I'm not that emotionally invested in the twist and turns but there no was reason for him to be traveling out to California. Not when **** is done. It was not needed and good that someone put a stop to it.

He was never going to Cali dude. The minute he cancelled the trip people would know. You and others should have learned by now just because something is reported doesn’t mean it’s happening. The media is a pawn. I’ve been saying this three weeks.

Theres a couple reasons coaches keep recruiting and acting like it’s business per usual. 1. They’re paid to do it. 2. Nothing will look suspicious.
What if Manny locks himself in the HC office, and changes the locks and key code? How much force is authorized to remove him from the premises?
Sources say the hold up is that Manny has turned his phone off and can't be reached. Currently roaming the halls of Coral Gables High School looking for the best location to install a slip n slide.
Cristobal is expected to make approximately $9 million per season at Miami and will get a budget that is competitive with other major college programs to be able to fill out his staff. That final detail was still being worked on as late as Sunday afternoon.
I is had people arguing with me when I said the Nunez stuff was bs lol. Well how’s that workout. Don’t be mad at me because I was right and your favorite insider / media guy wasn’t.
They are all hedging cause they’ve been burned before of their own fault and they want to see the body first….