A few things

Bro, bottom line if he didn't think Norton was ready and thought he was making a mistake by leaving early, he could have chose not to represent him. He could have easily told him I won't represent you until senior year.

But being agent doesn't work like that. It's a numbers game and agents go after there clients not the other way around. Pete may not of convinced him he needed to go pro, every confident athlete thinks they are ready. But he most likely was his hype man.

Seems kind of shady after all these years of building relationship and trust with these recruits/kids he turned to the agent game.

Lmao you are insane. I was literally still a reporter when Norton turned pro. I had never even spoke to him in my life . Chosen to not represent him? He’s not my personal client. Our agency reps him. I had nothing to do with him coming out
I WAS a reporter . Have you lost your mind ?
my mind hasn't been lost, but yours maybe has.. You stated you were a reporter, not a fan. You then stated you are a fan. What gives? that is what needs explaining. And you should do it both here and on your twitter, otherwise it looks like you are full of ****. trying to help you out here.
my mind hasn't been lost, but yours maybe has.. You stated you were a reporter, not a fan. You then stated you are a fan. What gives? that is what needs explaining. And you should do it both here and on your twitter, otherwise it looks like you are full of ****. trying to help you out here.

Because I WAS a reporter. I was not a fan AND a reporter. I’m no longer a reporter. I’m now just a fan. If you hadn’t lost your mind, you would have read the dates on those tweets. You are paranoid. Let’s go canes !

— See U @ The Rock
Because I WAS a reporter. I was not a fan AND a reporter. I’m no longer a reporter. I’m now just a fan. If you hadn’t lost your mind, you would have read the dates on those tweets. You are paranoid. Let’s go canes !

— See U @ The Rock
So you are a brand new 1 month old fan of the hurricanes? haha . OK dude, that makes a ton of sense. I guess welcome newbie.. But since you are sooo brand new to this whole being a hurricanes fan- perhaps you shouldn't comment and just take it in for a few years.
So you are a brand new 1 month old fan of the hurricanes? haha . OK dude, that makes a ton of sense. I guess welcome newbie.. But since you are sooo brand new to this whole being a hurricanes fan- perhaps you shouldn't comment and just take it in for a few years.

You don’t understand how this journalism stuff works 🤣🤣 I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make .

— See U @ The Rock “RIP GOTTI”
You know who is both a reporter AND a fan?

You don’t understand how this journalism stuff works 🤣🤣 I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make .

— See U @ The Rock “RIP GOTTI”
fair enough.. but if we are going there. then you don't know how this whole fan thing works.. You can't just suddenly become a fan one day and expect lifelong fans to take anything you say very seriously. If you are being honest now, and you are a brand new canes fan (which is what the tweets and responses on here have you claiming) then I advise you to sit back, read, listen to others and try to learn about our hurricanes. That is all. If you have questions, please do ask. There are a ton of life long canes fans here to help out newbies.
lol. So what value did he bring to an agency other than relationships with local athletes?
My response was aimed at Pete's, "Why would anybody listen to me? You're a clown if you think I have that kind of pull."

Pretty accurate, IMO