2019 Uniforms

Do nothing to the look of the Unis. If anything, just have adidas keep improving the thread component of the Unis with new technology for functionality, but do not change the aesthetic design
Do nothing to the look of the Unis. If anything, just have adidas keep improving the thread component of the Unis with new technology for functionality, but do not change the aesthetic design
Stop using all those big words. Functionality? Aesthetic?

Sounds like a review on ZDNet. I remember in the '50's there were tearaway jerseys. You grabbed a guy by the jersey and it would start to rip apart. Good old days.. sometimes you never knew whether that was shredded jersey or shredded live skin and tissue. .that's how rough the sport was in the good old days. Heck, I remember when guys didn't even wear face masks...you just broke your facial bones and nose. Eye pop out, the trainer just stuffed it back in the socket and you kept going. Skull split open? Just tape it back together real tight.
Stop using all those big words. Functionality? Aesthetic?

Sounds like a review on ZDNet. I remember in the '50's there were tearaway jerseys. You grabbed a guy by the jersey and it would start to rip apart. Good old days.. sometimes you never knew whether that was shredded jersey or shredded live skin and tissue. .that's how rough the sport was in the good old days. Heck, I remember when guys didn't even wear face masks...you just broke your facial bones and nose. Eye pop out, the trainer just stuffed it back in the socket and you kept going. Skull split open? Just tape it back together real tight.

:geek:...I'm sorry that my diction is next level, you can blame UM & Duke for that. I could see a return to the tear-away jerseys, or maybe just the pants. Kenneth would greatly appreciate that...ain't that right @nystateofmind
Manny is bringing this whole program to "modern" times. I guarantee we get new unis and hopefully become Oregon south. The old heads love the throwback 80s style jerseys, but guess what, the recruits don't. "But Bama doesn't..." Well Bama also hands out huge bags. We need every recruiting advantage we can get period. I would love for us to get the Miami vice u uniforms that the heat wear. The city of Miami is flashy, our unis should reflect that.
Addidas has gotten better but i still like nike and under armour material better, addidas just looks too sloppy
I like the jerseys we have now with the black alternates thrown twice or so a year.

But I also liked these personally

I also liked the adidas special Unis the 305 Ice and Military appreciation ones. The black and sand tee cleats/socks and gloves were dope but not for a noon game in Miami

If adidas did the white ones again they should ditch the silver and keep the green like Nike did, these were DOPE imo
