Sounds like Mammary Navarro, as usual, is jumping the gun trying to be first without actually having done the work to develop his own leads, instead heā€™s relying on the weight of the buildup.

Assuming King is coming, surely the announcement was to be made at an agreed upon time, and no coach would leak it to Manny.

So the worthless fat fÅ«ck decides to ruin it, based on no personal knowledge he has, just so he can say he was first. Stupid worthless fat fÅ«ck. Iā€™m glad heā€™s coming, but Iā€™m pretty sure this wasnā€™t how it was supposed to come out.
Eh. People "close to King" are talking to Rivals about it and said he would enroll on Tuesday. If he was actually so concerned about a moment he should tell his people to keep their mouths shut.
"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end ... because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing ... this shadow. Even darkness must pass."
No official announcement and Mammary is the only ā€˜journalistā€™ making this claim.

I'm fairly confident King is coming, but Iā€™m also sure Mammary has no more info or confirmation than anyone else, including Ivins.

So heā€™s just faking his way to first place on the being first announcement sweepstakes. What a fat lazy slothful piece of shlt.
No matter what happened or what he did, the only thing stopping anyone on this team from preparation and taking your craft seriously was the player himself. Nothing upsets me more than everyone clamoring for excuses for these young men and calling them kids and immature. Itā€™s funny how other teams arenā€™t as immature as ours.
weā€™re starting from scratch and we donā€™t have the culture established for an immature 18 year old to come here and change when other dudes on the team are bullshtng. If no one wants to come here and say Iā€™m gonna do everything I can regardless of obstacles or lack of talent or players around me to make this team great then I do t want him on the team. If a talented player comes here and looks around and quits befor anything happens because of our ranking or record then fck him. I want dudes with the mentality that we ainā€™t sht right now but befor I leave this mfer itā€™s gonna be great and Iā€™ll do everything I can to make it so.
who was the last team to win it all while unranked at the beginning of the season? I think it was us. Do you have any idea the type of mentality and commitment and belief in yourself and your team to make that sht happen?

No need to lecture me. I don't disagree with a lot of what you are saying. I wasn't defending Williams and I said that. The kid is his own worst enemy. He had every opportunity in the world to make a name for himself at Miami, despite having to work with an OC that could have cared less about his strengths, etc. By all accounts, he threw it away. My point was the way the dirty laundry was aired. I personally don't like that when it comes to players. But I also acknowledged that the point of the leak could have been to discredit Manny and JW was just the collateral damage. No one will ever know and it is water under the bridge.

Let's agree that hopefully this was a HUGE part of the learning curve Manny needed to climb and there will be much higher standards and real consequences going forward for this kind of stuff. It shouldn't matter what position you play...
It's crazy. Two off-seasons in a row. Maybe it's not surprising that people outside of the program (Tate, Osborn, Hill, Philips, Bolden, now King not to mention Lashlee) buy what Manny's selling. The people down here and the people who follow the program closely don't buy it anymore. But he's a salesman for sure and people that haven't been paying as close attention may be more likely to believe his message. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited by this and I really hope King brings us to the next level again. Maybe Manny's figuring it out and we're on the right path. But we need to start winning games, not just win the transfer portal.
You need your HC to be the highest possible salesman, so kudos to him.
Eh. People "close to King" are talking to Rivals about it and said he would enroll on Tuesday. If he was actually so concerned about a moment he should tell his people to keep their mouths shut.

Not the point. Itā€™s about having a shred of integrity. Why is Manny the only ā€œlegitā€ source reporting it? I mean heā€™s a poor manā€™s @Cribby at this point.