But they've made no real changes to their offense while we changed OCs, OL coach, brought in two 4-5 Star RBs and are in the driver's seat for the top transfer QB in the country.

On that point, they have a coach who's won 114 and lost 57

His team won the last 3 games and ours lost the last 3 games.

There is no guarantee of anything, Dantonio is fighting for his job...we shall see.
I'm sure this has been brought up already but he's following lashlee, feeley, pope, coach field,and kj Osborn and none recently from lsu Maryland or Arkansas
If you go by the Twitter follower tea leaves there is no chance he goes anywhere else. Let’s hope he doesn’t start following a bunch of Arkansas or LSU guys today
If you go by the Twitter follower tea leaves there is no chance he goes anywhere else. Let’s hope he doesn’t start following a bunch of Arkansas or LSU guys today
Looking at his most recent follows, it's interesting he's following Feliciano


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Yes I did and it was the typical transition year under a 1st time head coach. I said it before, that it mirrored our 2011 season under Muschamp in his first season.

You know this is a POS, dyck sucking fanbase, when a fan of our most hated rival is the voice of reason, and is one of the most logical/objective/fair/balanced of all posters on this entire forum. Smh
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so he's either coming or just incredibly dedicated to trolling us. i don't see why it would be the latter since he has zero ties to florida.
It’s become a nationwide thing to do. Between the hats/bags/ and parents it doesn’t even surprise me anymore
Has anyone looked at his recent follows from desktop version? If I remember correctly Twitter only shows recent follows from there
I’m telling you Barry is out to Bury Miami with his reporting. Like why are you even putting that out on Twitter? Then the expose hit piece he did on the team and then focused on Drama with Jarren last week. Hate Miami reporters man... they will literally drag the program through the mud just to generate buzz. Sickening *** sh*t
A hit piece would be false or misleading info. The truth is just that, the truth. Have u lost your mind?
A hit piece would be false or misleading info. The truth is just that, the truth. Have u lost your mind?

Barry likes UM. He has nothing to gain by “burying” the program. As it is, UM does not sell right now. But keep spinning your wheels.