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  1. Tad Footeball

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    I don't think we're really differing here beyond where we think the science currently stands with CTE. The other debates are valid but then you're really entering the realm of whether you think the judicial reactions to these things should be punitive, rehabilitative or just a separation from...
  2. Tad Footeball

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    The science simply isn't there (yet) for you to jump to this conclusion- especially to assign causation to extreme sexual deviancy. This also opens up the door to looking for mental illness defenses for ALL heinous crimes. I mean one would HAVE to be suffering some mental ailment to be a rapist...
  3. Tad Footeball

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Even the Marine Corps has stripped the title from guys like Lee Harvey Oswald. We're probably very close to having to consider stripping the Canedom from this maniac. CTE is a very convenient rationale here (and it possibly could be a factor) but this guy seemingly wasn't all there at a much...
  4. Tad Footeball

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Haha. Exactly. Winslow getting railroaded for the raping his attorney is doing! Jokes aside, I'd like to have seen his attorney's face when the woman identified him as the perpetrator. I mean your initial reaction still has to be shock and defensiveness even before the notion that this is good...
  5. Tad Footeball

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    Reserving judgment on this entire matter but here's the latest update: Alleged rape victim identifies Kellen Winslow Jr.'s lawyer as assailant
  6. Tad Footeball

    Kellen Winslow II arrested on burglary charges

    This doesn't really seem like an "overcharge" situation though. Seems like he's either going to be completely exonerated or not......and not won't be a get out in 7 years type of deal. That said, this wouldn't necessarily be the first time someone looks like they're facing an eternity behind...