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  1. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Uh oh. Looks like somebody took a red pill this morning with a cup of reality.
  2. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    You are no muppet. Just unfamiliar. Big difference.
  3. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Strong points. Very strong.
  4. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    99% of Muppets can't even comprehend the concept. Even AFTER googling it and trying to sound intelligent in response.
  5. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Oh how the muppet mob forgets this when it is inconvenient to THEIR "righteous" quest for "justice". Because they just "know" better than the rest. #BalkanizationIsHere
  6. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    It's not going to be that simple in court. As imperfect as it is, 👆👆👆 is the very reason we have (at least supposed to) a trial by jury system. Does that system favor those with resources and education? 100%. Should it? 100% no. The system in Spain is an interesting one where both the...
  7. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Good luck MN.
  8. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Keith "I'm so woke and I beat my woman" Ellison is DA of Twinnies or AG of MN? Im too lazy to look it up.
  9. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Very strong point. She was that Aussie woman right?
  10. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    UCMJ is not perfect by any stretch, but LIGHT YEARS ahead of what we have now. Particularly in holding officials accountable.
  11. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    I suspect you are right.
  12. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    I have a long advocated this: place ALL government officials, professional and elected, from entry level to POTUS, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice*. Talk about breaking eggs to make an omelet, you would see massive change and quickly. Other changes*: 1) Military height, weight and...
  13. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    My larger question (before the mods go beta and delete it) is this: Can the Balkanization of what was, in spirit, the former United States be reversed? I strongly believe it can not for anyone over 15-ish years old. The only chance, the only hope, is for those young pups today to pick up the...
  14. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    So how does it [our system] get fixed?
  15. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Interesting take. Very good.
  16. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Someone play devil's advocate: What does Chauvin's defense lawyer argue? - Resisted arrest? - Multiple officers necessary to subdue Floyd? - Floyd was still talking, therefore airway couldn't have been compromised? - Pressure was actually on Chauvin's ankle and not on Floyd's neck? -...
  17. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    Did I reaď Floyd's family authorized M Baden to perform a second autopsy? Some are really, REALLY not going to like his background.
  18. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

  19. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    difficult to believe we are the same species.
  20. Empirical Cane

    P.J. Fleck- A Leader of Men

    who are the colonizers you speak of?