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  1. Tad Footeball

    Off-Topic Don't Walk Your Dog Near Lakes and Canals in Florida

    I think Pablo Escobar tried that in Colombia. I'm only like 2 minutes into the documentary.
  2. Tad Footeball

    Off-Topic Don't Walk Your Dog Near Lakes and Canals in Florida

    At the end of the day, Meemaw here was sadly probably just a little too comfortable with the lake in the backyard of her gated community. I'd be lying if I said I never let my dogs run loose near our lake when I lived in a similar community way out west in Miramar. Definitely dumb but mannnn do...
  3. Tad Footeball

    Off-Topic Don't Walk Your Dog Near Lakes and Canals in Florida

    I don't think meemaw was technically eaten. That said, gallows humor plus at the end of the day if you're 85 then going out in any sort of noble way (despite doing something kind of dumb) is probably a net positive. She DID save the dog.
  4. Tad Footeball

    Off-Topic Don't Walk Your Dog Near Lakes and Canals in Florida

    Some scary **** but at the end of the day, the dog survived. Mission accomplished. Lemonade outta lemons. Reminds me of growing up in Pittsburgh. My saint of a father saved my chubby twin sister's dog during a housefire. He died later that night from a heart attack due to smoke inhalation. Our...