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  1. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Oh, I'm not really that patient, but I fake it well! Ack-ack!
  2. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Agreed. And I only commented on the years based on what the other poster said. He wasn't clear if 5 years was our opener or our most recent bid.
  3. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Miami better get its (collective) a$$ to 7 years and close this deal...
  4. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    That's EXACTLY what I thought your source's name is. "Nope".
  5. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    So "you think" and "from all accounts" are your two sources?
  6. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    This GIF will never be overused on this board. You can almost use this GIF once or twice per thread, even on the Uniform threads...
  7. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    What about option 3, we ban those porsters?
  8. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Why are you picking on two great CIS posters...
  9. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    He's not going to use Miami, his own alma mater, just to get a raise. If that's all he wanted, he would have entertained the overtures from USC and LSU and UF, then **** on them and cashed Phil Knight's check. The fact that he did NOT do that is just a sign that this is NOT about whether Phil...
  10. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    By 1%? Or by 50%, the way some of these delusional nitwits are trying to tell us?
  11. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    And when has Oregon EVER made their HC the highest paid HC in the country? In the last 50 years? Spoiler alert: NEVER.
  12. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Per year, or total? So if Miami gives Mario $100 million over 10 years, and Phil Knight gives $110 million over 10 years...that JUST ABOUT COVERS Oregon state income tax. Great job, Phil!
  13. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Oregon waits until the LAST DAY to "negotiate" with Mario. Where was the negotiation when he earned an automatic one-year extension by winning 9 games? Where was the negotiation when multiple zero-championship coaches re-set the market to $9.5 million per year? And what, exactly, needs to be...
  14. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    I'm so happy to see that my years worth of income tax lectures have finally had an impact! Kidding...but it's definitely a relevant number. I look at it slightly differently, though. $10M in Florida requires Phil Knight to go to $11M before he actually "matches"...
  15. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    No. We. Can't. Kiffin is already at $4.5 million. He is NOT going to take half of the prevailing market price for non-championship winning coaches ($9.5 per year). Find ANY specific numerical reference Kiffin has EVER made as to the below-market salary he would accept. I'll wait...
  16. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    You also save $1 million in state income taxes on a $10M Florida salary compared to a $10M Oregon salary.
  17. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Right. I'm sure Mario is familiar with the cost of living in Dade County.
  18. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    You repeating it...doesn't make it true...
  19. TheOriginalCane

    Oregon Extension on the Table for Mario

    Yep. Roughly stated, an extra million per year. Nice.