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  1. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    I was really hoping he had the fire in his belly to really complete his coaching legacy and really trying to add a title to his resume', but he was more shot than Ali vs Trevor Berbick by this point
  2. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    Chise, this woulda been more toxic than Chernobyl or ***ushima, seriously. I couldn't even enjoy the college football playoffs that Saturday night because of the state of the U. I was done, I was telling my buddy ( who had gone to a lot of games with me in the past) that I wasn't going to any...
  3. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    I spoke with Claude Jones at length a few days ago, and he echoed what a lot of former players were feeling as he told me that after the Pinstripe Bowl, he was done. I mean, he would still watch the games and maybe go to Hard Rock moving forward, but he was done with the shipRicht. And he went...
  4. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    Putting record aside, I really think it's the worst overall job of being a CEO of the UM program I've ever seen, from play-calling, system, roster management, recruiting.... everything that goes into this...
  5. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    He was using an abacus in the age of the laptop and smart phone. My fear was that he was a bit soft to really lead a team all the way, I never imagined the game would pass him by THAT quickly
  6. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    I know one thing, our offense had no prayer under Richt, ironically
  7. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    Whats interesting and factual, is that as DMoney has pointed out, the majority of the 2013 defense (which was awful at the end of that season) spent some time in the NFL. And during the Richt era, the same guys that looked like busts and washouts with the D coordinator that shall not be named...
  8. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    funny, but 'Al's Guys' on defense did OK the past couple of seasons. I wonder why
  9. k9cane

    From Barry Jackson article

    the Richt effect