Ya know what I love about Al Golden?...

3 min read
Just watching the latest Raising Canes video and the recent interview with Joe Rose, the way his message resonates across the board. Whether you're a kid from the inner city with one parent, a middle class kid from the suburb with a traditional nuclear family- or anything in-between- his lessons are transcendent- because it's the hard truth, with tried and true values. They ring true across all races, religion and class. The guy gets it. I don't care who you are, you'd feel good sending your son to play football for him for the next four years

I think he's the sharpest guy UM has had since Jimmy Johnson( who was a master psychologist) in a lot of ways.

Remember when Don Soldinger was scolded by 'the worst coach ever' for pointing out how Tyrone Moss was out of shape during the 2004 off-season( which he was)? It was a seminal moment in a lot of ways. To me, this was another example of the lack of leadership this program has had the past decade. I just love the way Golden has brought a level of accountability to this program- from him on down. Everyone will compete 365 days out of the year, bottom line, no excuses. It's an atmosphere that will create competition. You can just feel the country club has been closed down. This is no longer just an NFL internship( which I've spoken out against for years). To me, the early entrants we had to the draft this off-season, are symbolic( hopefully) of that leaving this program for good.

He's made January-August, as important as game week. Like he said,'setting your teams DNA'. The foundation of any championship( in any sport) is set in the off-season. I can't lie, I think Miami went through the motions in that regard for a long time( and these thoughts have been echoed by former players I've talked to who played in the glory days.) I love Golden's phrase- 'Deserve Victory' . Lets be honest, this program hasn't deserved it for a long time.

Miami doesn't need a nice guy( Coker) or a former player( Shannon), what it needed was a real leader. Part CEO, part motivator, part teacher, part father, part hard-***.

I have no doubt this man will win big, here, if given the proper amount of time and resources. UM got lucky Gruden went all Gruden. This guy has the look of what modern day football coach should be. To paraphrase Howard Schnellenberger UM is on a collision course with greatness with Al Golden, the only variable is time( and, uh, the NCAA sanctions, too)

They're not there yet, but I love where this is going....

Comments (69)

Trying to make the home page, I guess. Good luck with that.
I agree, that from a standpoint of his intelligence, vision, and salesmanship; he is up there with the greatest that I have seen coach-Jimmy Johnson, Pete Carrol, Nick Saban, Howard, and Urban Meyer.

The question remains, though-can he coach?

If he can coach too, he will win a national title in a few years.

If he is to be believed that he only wants to coach college ball, and Miami is his dream job, he will win us a handful of titles over the next couple decades.
yes, he will demand greatness. barring crippling NCAA penalties he will get there sooner rather than later.
Great post K9- Golden seems to get it and really is pushing these kids. The country club atomosphere that we have had for the last 10 years is over.
great post and i agree totally. that Utough workout is more then any kid has done at miami in 10 years. he is going to beat the puss out of these boys and make them compete for their spots again. no more being lazy and living off past great miami teams. i love every bit of what golden is doing. it might take 2 or 3 more years but he will have miami back at the top where it belongs and he is building it so that it will stay that way for a long time.
That's the question, and honestly, he didn't have any real moments where I said,'Wow, that was bad' like the end of that bowl game vs Cal in 2008, where UM botched their clock management.

Honestly, most coaches tell you they are better and smarter once they procure better players. Funny that coincidence

I agree, that from a standpoint of his intelligence, vision, and salesmanship; he is up there with the greatest that I have seen coach-Jimmy Johnson, Pete Carrol, Nick Saban, Howard, and Urban Meyer.

The question remains, though-can he coach?

If he can coach too, he will win a national title in a few years.

If he is to be believed that he only wants to coach college ball, and Miami is his dream job, he will win us a handful of titles over the next couple decades.