Valentine down to Miami and LSU

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
3 min read
The past month has been an eventful one for Champagnat Catholic defensive tackle Travonte Valentine. After winning a state title back in December, Valentine recently decommitted from Miami after rumors of Al Golden leaving Miami for Penn State surfaced. The 330-pound lineman has narrowed his choice down to LSU and Miami.

“The atmosphere of the recruiting process is going very well. There’s a lot of spectating and rumors and stuff like that so it’s alright. I really don’t go on Facebook or Twitter and leave all that trash talking to the fans. I just walk away and stand my ground,” said Valentine.

Valentine’s decommitment caused a stir amongst Miami fans. Will the negative comments towards him have an impact on his decision?

“Nah, not at all. Fans are fans especially the die-hard fans. There’s all these rumors about me being ineligible and all that but that’s not the reason why I actually decommitted. Right now with the way my GPA is at a 3.2 so far, I can get into whatever school I want to. I’m just focused on doing me and my official visits.”

Next up for Valentine is his official to LSU.

“I’ve never been to Baton Rouge. My teammates Kato Nelson and Darnell Saloman have been there so I just want to see how it works out.”

What is it about the Tigers that interests him?

“The thing that sticks out about LSU is the way they put defensive tackles in the NFL. They have freshmen making impacts already, so that’s what I like.”

Although some Canes fans have remained optimistic that Valentine will be in this class, others believe that Miami is set to be just another “hat” on the table.

“Of course I’m still considering them. It’s home. My people can come and drive to see me when they want to.”

Much has been made about Valentine wanting to get word from Al Golden after he cited Golden’s flirtation with Penn State as a reason for his decommitment.

“I’ve been talking to Coach Golden on Twitter, but I might have the chance to go over there today to see what they’re up to. (Anthony) Moten is taking his official today so I might surprise him and chill with him.”

Miami sent a crew of coaches down to Champagnat earlier this week.

“On Thursday, I met with four Miami coaches and we had a great talk. I enjoyed their company at the school and it went well.”

An X-factor working in Miami’s favor is running backs coach Hurlie Brown, who is a longtime family friend of Valentine.

“Him (Brown) and my step-father are like best friends from back in the day because they went to the same high school. We have great chemistry.”

When Valentine meets with Golden face-to-face, what does he want to hear from the Miami Head Coach?

“I want him to tell me about the situation if he was going to leave and people say just because a Head Coach is leaving, it doesn’t mean anything. No, if a Head Coach leaves then other coaches on the staff might not have their jobs. For people to bash at me for that was silly because when you think about it, Coach Hurlie might not have been there and that new Head Coach might have brought his own staff in."

**Miami will get the last crack at Valentine as he will take his official visit on the weekend of January 31st.

Comments (220)

Pete, feel better or worse about our chances after speaking with him?
Seems like a reasonable dude to me. Hope Golden is convincing and Hurlie keeps him home.
For the love of Christ we need this kid. I truly think he's the best DT in the country. If we land him, Thomas, smith, Jackson, Moten, wyche, and DLine class in the country?
“I want him to tell me about the situation if he was going to leave and people say just because a Head Coach is leaving, it doesn’t mean anything. No, if a Head Coach leaves then other coaches on the staff might not have their jobs. For people to bash at me for that was silly because when you think about it, Coach Hurlie might not have been there and that new Head Coach might have brought his own staff in."

Seems pretty logical if you ask me.

And I don't blame him.
Moten, Hurlie and most of all Golden are the keys to this kid. I believe he wants to be a Cane and he's a smart kid that just wants the truth so we have today and the ov to sell him
IF we land TV I wouldn't trade our DL class for ANYONE's, and I think Miami can rise to elite status with the elite DL.
Sounds like a pretty smart kid who is handling this recruitment pretty professionally.
If he picks LSU, I don't wanna hear anything about grades.

You just heard it straight from the horse's mouth: 3.2 GPA.
LSU definitely has the recent history of nfl d linemen but many of them have been busts like glen dorsey and tyson jackson. hopefully someone can school about miami's great tradition of defensive tackles and how he can restart that again
Moten, Hurlie and most of all Golden are the keys to this kid. I believe he wants to be a Cane and he's a smart kid that just wants the truth so we have today and the ov to sell him

Golden better not lie to him like he lied to Powell.
Ok valentine the excuse for de committing is bs Becuz if ur main concern was golden leaving then now that he is back u should recommit. I think he is trolling. I think he's perfectly smart for decomitting during the whole saga Becuz yes when the head coach leaves other coaches tend to follow but now that he is back that excuse is no longer valid.