Update on RB recruiting

Stefan Adams
2 min read
2 weeks back, I started getting indications from a trusted source that Kenny McIntosh was in fact an Oklahoma lean and reported so in the August Freshman 15. Since that time and talking to more sources, that view has only been strengthened in my mind.

What has changed in the past few weeks though is UM's view on RB recruiting. I was originally told that Miami was fine with one RB in this class if in fact McIntosh went to Oklahoma; however, sources have confirmed to CIS that Miami will pursue Nayquan Wright if they miss on McIntosh, which appears likely at this time. Miami will continue to recruit McIntosh as the priority until he officially announces something, but is planning to line up Wright as the backup option.

As for Nayquan Wright: sources close to his recruitment have indicated to me he has been upset at Miami for essentially ignoring him since his injury last year. I'll just say he does not have the most positive view of UM at this point and leave it at that. Miami has a lot of work to do with Wright, but there's no telling how he responds once UM starts showing him consistent love. At least once source close to the recruitment has said UM could have easily locked up Wright a year ago if they pressed for him.

This is a developing situation and as we learn more, you'll be the first to know.

Comments (206)

Everyone on this board saw the Wright drama from a mile away. Local star gets very upset at home team for dropping off communication because our staff assumed we had Kenny McIntosh in the bag.
Wright will be ours if we want him. I've been on record since before any of this McIntosh OU lean stuff that I preferred either him or Carter as our second back.
It appears to me that Mcintosh and Crowley are similar backs. I prefer Crowley’s film, and his measurables seem better. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like we can miss on a solid 4-Star and it could turn out to be a blessing. I feel that way about Mcintosh although I know many around here that know much more than me feel differently
This staff needs to learn how to recruit two guys at the same time man . We can’t keep ignoring dudes thinking we have someone in the bag just to have to come running back to the dude we ignored in the first place.

Now for someone like Wright, he might want to be here and go somewhere else just out of spite . This staff gotta figure out a different way of putting dudes on hold besides jus flat out ignoring them
You talk to everyone who entertains you. 25 scholarships a year. No reason not to talk to your top 100 or so guys on your board consistently.
Why is Oklahoma beating us for a player in our backyard?? Especially one who's brother played here (But made the bone-headed decision to leave early)
I understand Wright and UMs view on the situation and look they both may want to get it done and you're not telling me he's going to say "naw bruh i want to go to Gainesville!" so let's communicate try to patch things up and keep this beast home