UM dismisses Sam Bruce

UM dismisses Sam Bruce

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

Comments (332)

This has to be a record. Aside from Randy Moss (and his issue at FSU was allegedly smoking weed), I can't think of another player who didn't make it to midterms if his freshman year.

Well done, sir.
The lie is always worse than the infraction.

This, or said another way it's not the crime it's the cover up.

Richt isn't playing games. Kids, and parents, loved him at UGA but they knew he didn't take crap from anyone.

No one is bigger than the program.

Why do people keep repeating this nonsense? Its not true. I live in the ATL and Richt came under fire for having to many kids getting in trouble and not dismissing them. The school actually had to put pressure on him to start putting forth consequences because they were getting so much bad press.

My suggestion is to stop letting other people think for you or les them also do all of the talking and posting for you.
So... We not back???

Nope. We need savaged to be BACK. Bruce was a savage. A team full of Choir boys can't win championships in this day & age.

Nothing screams savage like missing treatment. Dude is hard as a ****.

Yup. You give a kid a scholarship to play football. He hasn't even played a snap before he injures himself and misses whole season. Expectation is that with physical therapy, he'll get the strength back in his severely broken leg so that he can be ready to play next year. Repeatedly skips treatment, so he is now behind schedule to be ready to practice at full speed next spring, which means he will not be ready at start of season. Maybe gets into rotation part way through the season. So now that is two seasons that he is basically unavailable. Combine that with getting self suspended for public pictures with guns and other disciplinary infractions and it becomes clear you can't rely on this Savage to be available to play. That's a scholarship you can use on a player who will actually be able to set foot on the field.
We are NOT back, but Bruce is/was always in trouble.

Seriously the dude got kicked out of his highschool, was put on probation as soon as he got here and looks like now he can still not follow anyone's rules. Yet we blame the coaches. FN Stupid.
A criticism of Richt at Georgia was he was too quick to dismiss players. Some fans got mad at him for the talent he kicked off the team, other fans liked it because he ran a clean program.

Hard to say without knowing what Bruce did - but Richt has been known to have a short leash.

Dude I live in ATL and this is not true. Richt actually came under pressure from the local media for not dismissing kids. Ga had some of the highest arrest records in the country year in and year out. You guys are totally full of BS.
Hopefully, they reconcile & he can comeback next season.
If all this is just immaturity and not NCAA issues, drugs, or legal woes then he could end up coming back. Hopefully he stays in school and gets his head right.
**** ,lets hope Richt don't dismiss half our key players every year like he did at GA
If all this is just immaturity and not NCAA issues, drugs, or legal woes then he could end up coming back. Hopefully he stays in school and gets his head right.

You don't dismiss a kid then turn around and say you made a mistake, he can come back. He's off the team. Forever.
**** ,lets hope Richt don't dismiss half our key players every year like he did at GA

Please pay attention. This is about a talented kid who doesn't show dedication to his team, not an overly harsh coach. How many chances do you want to give? How many times does a kid need to show that he doesn't care about the team before we cut him loose?
Man, yall are some diq eating fools.

Fuq this lil punk. He has done nothing for this school and is clearly selfish AF.

I see the potential; but that's it, its POTENTIAL.

I never comment on this kid because he isn't special to me and reminds me of the wannabe thugs that have everything going for them but choose to chase "the cool" instead of counting their blessings.

I could look in his beady little eyes and tell he wasn't worth a squirrel fart.

Get over this dude. He doesn't have the ethic or mentality to be a Cane.

Good riddance
I heard he used richts gift of the bible as rolling papers.
I doubt he's going to fsu or uf.

This is the thing Im interested in. Where does he end up? The marketplace will decide if he is worthy of another chance. If I were forced to guess, I'd say USF or UCF would be a good next stop for him.

If he leaves school now and enrolls, he can be eligible by week 6 of next season. Otherwise his options will be Juco (for a year) or D2. Otherwise he'll have to give up a year of eligibility for a 2nd redshirt year.