The Work 2-3

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
3 min read
**The biggest positive development from over the weekend seems to be Treon Harris. Out of the remaining prospects on the board, I feel most confident about Miami landing him. This would be a massive late pull, regardless of what people think. Landing a high-profile local legend from a feeder school is as important

**Despite Travonte Valentine’s mother saying it is “50-50” between Miami and LSU, you should not read too much into that. He is LSU-bound and Miami knows that. There was a glimmer of hope heading into the weekend that the Canes would have a small shot of landing him, but the fact that he did not take his official sealed it. People can debate all day about what ultimately caused his decommitment, but I have heard more and more talk that it has to do with him wanting to play in an aggressive scheme. That “development” is not a surprise.

**Chad Thomas did enjoy his visit to Alabama as referenced by his tweet, which said that it was his “best visit ever”. I was being cautious last week about considering him a “lock” on signing day for Miami, but those worries have been toned down. Miami is not expecting a flip on signing day and neither am I.

**The JC Jackson sweepstakes is still too close to call for sure. My gut tells me UF right now and Miami does not feel too great about their chances after this weekend, but I will stop short of saying he is a Gator 100%. Yes, he took an unofficial to Florida on Saturday, but Al Golden also in-homed with him on Saturday night. If him and his family were not considering Miami, they would not have taken that meeting late in the night. There was just enough smoke surrounding Miami here before the weekend that Canes fans should not give up complete hope. Like I said though, my confidence level is not high. Jackson’s father wants Miami badly.

**The official visits from Lamont Gaillard and Lorenzo Featherston were considered successes, but neither gave the staff indications on Sunday that they would be picking Miami so we are still in wait-and-see mode there. I should have more on those two today.

**Shawn Burgess-Becker and Calvin Ridley did not end up announcing their college choice yesterday. If they had announced, it was going to be for Miami. In all honesty, commitments from them this early would not have meant much other than some good public momentum. Both of them will be battles considering they have offers from nearly every top program in the country. I’ve also had some people ask me about Ridley and whether or not he will qualify. There is a year and a half until he is slated to graduate, so if he puts the work in then he should be fine. Remember the talk about Stacy Coley having massive grade issues at this time a couple years back?

**Look for Miami to pick up a player or two after signing day. They are expected to have a couple of extra scholarships available. There is a decent chance that Brayden Lenius pushes his signing back after Wednesday. If he does that, he will most likely take a trip to Miami.

Comments (242)

Pete - when will Ridley know if he can play his senior year or not because of that age rule?
i want treon. we need a duel threat guy. that is the trend in college football.
Crawling across the finish line drenched in our own puke.
Meanwhile, Florida gonna have a top 5 class coming off a 4-8 season. **** our lives.
same **** we all knew and have read in here for days.....good job pete..last year you would have Valentine as a lock so yes you are improving
Treon has all of the Big 3 feeling good his pick is going to be interesting on NSD
So Pete you are saying that there is little hope of the U landing a "good" surprise, and in all likelyhood, we will hear bad news on Wednesday? And jus think that a few weeks ago we were worried there would not be enough schoolies to sign all the guys who were likely to pick the U, now we will go to the waiver wire to fill out the class..................I want to throw up.
**Look for Miami to pick up a player or two after signing day. They are expected to have a couple of extra scholarships available. There is a decent chance that Brayden Lenius pushes his signing back after Wednesday. If he does that, he will most likely take a trip to Miami.


So did us not firing donofrio hurt us in recruiting Pete
I hope Valentine has the balls to tell Golden & Coach D that is the reason he's not going to Miami. Maybe that would bring about even the slightest change in philosophy.