The Culture Part Will Take Time

2 min read

Comments (176)

"...This is a gonna be a grueling "turnaround," if it even happens, but I hope exactly what you state doesn't come true: digging in heels."
HC Scario Frostoballess knows, absent for cause, he is untouchable for at least 4 years.

He believes his philosophy, agree or diagree with him, is what has brought the success he's had. He isn't wrong in this.

Like Manuela betting on his DC self last year, Mario is very likely going to do the same. If he didn't, that would be a HUGE red flag.

Expect very little change and more relentless focus his foundational basics. Again, he isn't wrong in this.

Now, do Ws follow fast enough?
The other thing I don’t see much of, and I was on the sideline practically for the A&M game, is in-game instruction. We have an army of coaches. These kids should be getting immediate feedback after each play, but I saw a lot of these coaches watching the game and not always engaged and coaching. I saw some of it, but you’d like to see more teaching in the moment. If you have to wait until you review film, it’s too late IMO and you’ve lost the most fertile wondow to give instruction
Well that’s discouraging. Thought a staff of this caliber would fix issues like this that have plagued this team all these years. CoRching Staph? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔
Exactly right. South Florida "talent" has not been bringing it lately. It's not a coincidence that FSU, Florida, and Miami have all been irrelevant.
South Florida talent has been bringing it just fine…as long as it’s on Bama’s roster, Georgia’s roster, or Ohio State’s* roster…

The ongoing BS excuse....
South Florida talent has been bringing it just fine…as long as it’s on Bama’s roster, Georgia’s roster, or Ohio State’s* roster…
Not really. They have a handful of players here and there. When you take three of them and put them on Georgia's roster, you have to adapt and fit in. When there are 60 of them, that mindset takes over.
Revisiting this topic from the offseason because of how Mario needs to weave in optimizing what he currently has WHILE transforming the program's culture (over time). Those of us rooting for losses and more destruction are completely missing the mark this time, IMO. Mario is here to stay. The MTSU game sets him back - whether people want to admit that or not - but we can't just lose whatever games and think "well, we'll clean house quicker." There will be consequences in recruiting, player buy-in, and more.

Re: culture, I said this (and other things) in Feb:

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In no way did or do I expect for culture to change in "45 seconds." It's just not realistic. Mario has a ton of ongoing work to do in that aspect.

None of that explains the loss to MTSU, questionable fits in hiring, or gameday issues.

The most impactful, immediate thing Mario could have done was hire great fits as coordinators and positional coaches. Despite what we saw on Saturday, I still think he did a really solid job on defense. Scheme/coordinator changes often have immediate benefits or consequences. It's partly why transfer players can go into a new system and look like new players. Even QBs. It's why Lashlee and even, gasp, Diaz took Enos/D'onofrio systems and somehow made similar or the same players look better.


If it did, companies would flip a switch on leaders and turn [more] profitable. To expect it in a college football program of 18-23 year olds is unrealistic. As I said in February, that usually takes lots of personnel turnover and acquisition.

BTW, this is also a Rad issue. We need more smart people in the building. And, Mario has to hopefully be open to them (I hear he is). And, no, they don't all need traditional backgrounds or UM playing/coaching experience (see: Mcdaniel's early returns for the Phins). If a coach or coordinator isn't working out or was a bad decision, part of building the culture you want is being consistent on accountability.
Man everybody knows heart man them boys do not show that **** we lucked up against southern miss look liked **** then as well .. cancer spreads
Congratulations on your sports travels. They sound awesome. I think you've missed my "meaningless point." Multiple times now, but that's fine, too.
I went to Space Mountain 100x so that must make me an expert on space traveling. 😂

Can’t make this **** up.
The problem is football is you can recruit kids that fit your culture into a bad environment and ruin them. Culture doesn't take 45 seconds to change but it can be done in under a year. Wins may take longer but culture isn't some multi year project. This isn't a company of 500K employees. The culture ship can be turned quickly. Mario needs to break these players. He can start with a dress code and volunteer work.
The sight of D.J. Ivey losing ground on the 98-yard TD to where Ivey was out of the picture when the receiver crossed the goal line seems symbolic of where we are as a program right now.

Need a lot more dogs. Need a lot more speed. Need a lot more of just about everything, really
CIS coaches said we need to put Ivey in press coverage though

If it did, companies would flip a switch on leaders and turn [more] profitable. To expect it in a college football program of 18-23 year olds is unrealistic. As I said in February, that usually takes lots of personnel turnover and acquisition.

BTW, this is also a Rad issue. We need more smart people in the building. And, Mario has to hopefully be open to them (I hear he is). And, no, they don't all need traditional backgrounds or UM playing/coaching experience (see: Mcdaniel's early returns for the Phins). If a coach or coordinator isn't working out or was a bad decision, part of building the culture you want is being consistent on accountability.
There aren't a lot of companies where every single person in position of authority changes overnight.
The night Bain and Jones got knocked out in the Peach Bowl is the exact point in time that this program got knocked out as well. We were dipping a bit before then, but nobody could have seen the downward spiral we were headed for. Every year it's become a bit more difficult to give a crap about the program, because for nearly 2 decades AD's , the BOT, etc. didn't give a ****. Mario has a bigger hill to climb than most of us ever realized or at least wanted to admit. 3+ years minimum, I just hope we're all still alive to see it.
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I don’t know if anyone else feels this way, but I honestly hate what college football has become now, primarily from a fan perspective. It’s literally gotten to the point where every fan base wants, or expects, to win every single week or they start screaming, “Fire this guy, fire that guy.” It’s like everyone wants to be like Bama, and if they aren’t then everything is an abject’s absolute insanity. Culture, focus, and mental toughness are the hardest things to instill in a program. These kids have become so used to getting away with playing stupid football for so long under Manny and we expect Mario to come in and flip a switch like, “Voila! Fixed!” Dabo, Saban, Kirby all struggled their first year so I’m not giving up on Mario and neither should you.
You can talk CULTURE CULTURE CULTURE all you want but if you can’t coach on Saturday’s, none of that **** matters.
This. The culture thing is pie in the sky, every new coach says that ****, and could or could not happen...but we've been out coached in 3 out of 4 games so far, so the pain right now has nothing to do with culture, it has to do with the players not being put in a position to succeed. The frustrating part is that we were told that this staph was worlds ahead of the last one.
I don’t know if anyone else feels this way, but I honestly hate what college football has become now, primarily from a fan perspective. It’s literally gotten to the point where every fan base wants, or expects, to win every single week or they start screaming, “Fire this guy, fire that guy.” It’s like everyone wants to be like Bama, and if they aren’t then everything is an abject’s absolute insanity. Culture, focus, and mental toughness are the hardest things to instill in a program. These kids have become so used to getting away with playing stupid football for so long under Manny and we expect Mario to come in and flip a switch like, “Voila! Fixed!” Dabo, Saban, Kirby all struggled their first year so I’m not giving up on Mario and neither should you.
***** Bama! We want to be like our old selves.