South Florida Express Weekend Recap

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Weekend MVP: Miami Central 2020 DB Jalen Harrell
Harrell was one of the top DB's in the 1 on 1's and he also performed extremely well during 7 on 7 both days. Harrell is sticky and physical in man to man coverage and he also covers a lot of ground when dropping back into a zone. Harrell has really good closing speed and always seems to get his hand on the ball.

Guys Miami needs to look at:
2020 Chaminade DB Deidrick Stanley Jr- Undersized but physical and quick. Receivers had a hard time creating separation from him.
2020 Deerfield Beach WR Aydin Henningham- Good size, good speed, and good hands. He was the best receiver on Sunday.
2021 Miami Jackson WR Makai Lovett- Tall, long, good hands, decent speed.

Recruiting Notes:
- Miami, specifically DeMarcus Van Dyke, has been in contact with Jalen Harrell. Expect an offer in the near future. Harrell wants to visit Miami, Clemson, and Florida State at some point this off-season. There is a good chance Harrell visits Miami for junior day.
- Chaminade DB Deidrick Stanley Jr. was offered Michigan recently. He plans on visiting there sometime this spring. There are rumors that Miami is interested in Stanley and are evaluating him. Should Miami offer and get him on campus, the Canes should be considered the front runners.
- Aydin Henningham is a fan of Manny Diaz and is disappointed that nobody from Miami has reached out to him yet. Should Miami offer he plans on visiting to meet the new staff. Ohio State, Florida, Nebraska, and Pitt have all shown interest.

Comments (23)

That Aydin Henningham catch was insane! He’s got to be offered.
I really hope Manny learns from past recruiting mistakes. Offer all these kids, accept commitments and let the chips fall where they may.
Overall, how was the vibe about UM?
Not sure that you offer kids off what they do running around in shorts awaiting the moment they can go do backflips and other such nonsense.
Seven on seven is not football and represents what's wrong with players today, simply creates more of the all about me mentality -
coaches falling over kids to come play for me in hopes it will get the coach somewhere. Not a fan.
I really hope Manny learns from past recruiting mistakes. Offer all these kids, accept commitments and let the chips fall where they may.
Get rid of that waiting to offer bs
Not sure that you offer kids off what they do running around in shorts awaiting the moment they can go do backflips and other such nonsense.
Seven on seven is not football and represents what's wrong with players today, simply creates more of the all about me mentality -
coaches falling over kids to come play for me in hopes it will get the coach somewhere. Not a fan.
Ditto, not going to offer bc of 7/7, but this is just another evaluation tool, not for talent, that’s a given in7/7, but for technique, tendencies, and coaching potential, and work ethic. It’s live, better than film
Gray’s hip flip was impressive af. It was seamless and also synchronized w the WR’s in that brief clip. Not sure how he did the whole day, but if that was consistent through out the try outs, then we gotta make sure we stay on him, as well.