Recruit Reactions to NCAA news

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read

Comments (92)

Did anyone crack up when Devonaire Clarigton was like... ugh i dont know nutin bout that...:ibisroflmao:
Hey Pete wonder if we can get a reaction from muschamp given all the negative her spread. Wonder what the douce bag is going to use now to TRY and out recruit big al.

Here is his reaction

What kills me is all of our fans cry over guys like Michel and Cook but don't praise kids like Trevor Darling who is a high 4 star recruit and says i don' t care about the sanctions i was going to UM regardless... Kid is the Duke of the class and would of been a cane if we were banned for 4 bowls.. He's a true Cane..
What kills me is all of our fans cry over guys like Michel and Cook but don't praise kids like Trevor Darling who is a high 4 star recruit and says i don' t care about the sanctions i was going to UM regardless... Kid is the Duke of the class and would of been a cane if we were banned for 4 bowls.. He's a true Cane..
There is quite a few kids in this class that are like that. Trevor Darling is definitely one of the lead dogs. Love this class! Let's keep who we got and add a couple final pieces. I agree though man, wish everybody would appreciate who we have a little more and care a lot less about kids that don't care about being Canes. Most true fans get it right. Golden has my complete trust. He and the staff are relentless. All we get will be all we need!
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