Post Game Recap: Temple

Post Game Recap: Temple


Comments (135)

Was this the worst broadcast team up ever? This wasn't even C team effort. Seriously anyone would be better.
Forgive my ignorance, but I thought coming into the season that Davontae Brown was CB#1... what's up here? I'm likely completely missing it, but he didn't get the start and was playing mostly mop-up duty?
Also, not sure if it was visible from the telecast, but this was a Miami crowd. We outnumbered Temple fans about 70-30. And I think I’m being generous to Temple.

I attended all but one UM-Temple games from 1992 through 2007 and what few fans were at every one of the games were Cane supporters, with lots of local alums and former players attending. In fact, in the 1994 game we were treated to an event where dozens of Frank Costa's best friends and kin from South Philly showed up drunk and rowdy, proceeding to beat the sht out of several stadium security folks who were trying to control them. It was loud enough where our coaches and players turned around, wondering wtf was going on.
Lmao my guy, just wearing me out here 😂

For the record, I only asked about Skinner. I never doubted your opinion that blocking comes first at that spot.

HOWEVER…again, Jackson Carver Ranches played late in the game, and Skinner didn’t get a snap. Safe to say he’s on his way out at this point. And it can’t be just because he’s not a good blocker. But I digress…we’ll let it play out.

Another point I wanted to highlight, I asked a couple people after the game and you said it too, I don’t think TVD was touched the entire time. Is that possible? He played into the 4th quarter and they got ZERO QB hits? Buddy doesn’t even need to wash his jersey. Just mind-boggling dominance in pass pro by this OL thru a third of the season. This is the best OL we’ve had in 20 years? Just incredible.
Skinner played
Trying to catch up... had to work today... 56 doing throat slash after a sack against Temple... 🙄 Mario gonna crucify this kid.
Is the throat-slash still a penalty? I’ve see a few players in different games do it, not just Miami.
Is the throat-slash still a penalty? I’ve see a few players in different games do it, not just Miami.
I never heard that it changed... so I am operating under the assumption that it's still not allowed. I could be wrong.
Is the throat-slash still a penalty? I’ve see a few players in different games do it, not just Miami.
So far as I can tell, it's still the first example in the rule book of what specifically isn't allowed. Literally item (a).
Who is the player wearing number 4 what ran on the field off the bench without his helmet to help celebrate Couch’s second pick? 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct.

Not the brightest move.
Daryl Porter Jr has done very well as Boundary CB IMO.

The issue is going to come when we face teams that have real threats at WR that can stretch the field.
I want him to be that guy, I really do... just too many mental errors.