PODCAST: Singin' the Bye Week Blues Ft. D$

Stefan Adams
1 min read
D$ and I are singin' the bye week blues this week, after the Canes barely escaped with a win over Central Michigan over the weekend. No doubt about it, UM's first 4 games have been a real disappointment in all phases. We'll try and pinpoint just what is going wrong and analyze where we can go from here.


Comments (23)

youre getting good at this podcasting stuff.. D$ get an iphone so we can hear you better on the call in (facetime audio)
Bad karma from unjust perma band on Nystateofmind has had more of a negative effect on Cane nation and the Canes this season than I could have anticipated.
Dang what did he do?
Neither Nesta nor Bolden have played a down in this uniform. Why are we hyping dudes up for No reason again.
I thought Hill was draft pick? I’m not betting on anyone anymore till I see it. Tommy Kennedy??!!! Ninja please!!!!! Nesta is one of my favorite players from an attitude standpoint. But we haven’t seen it in the field.
Been drinking so much kool aid I got fckn hurricane diabetes and sht. Manny better have me on the **** keto diet or I’m going into a **** coma. Stop the **** hype and show us something.
Sick of the silver lining sht. We all should’ve known this was going to happen when Zion was announced as the starting left tackle. He has a bright future but he has no business starting for a team that wants to win the coastal regardless of how bad it is. Zion is a stroke of good luck on a team that lacks quality and depth on 2 very important positions. Oline and dB.
Of coarse John ford and miller are going to look like beasts against our oline in the spring. Of course our db’s look great when the qb is getting pressure. But bandy at this point doesn’t look like an outside corner this year.
I’ve been wrong on every player I’ve hyped up this year and last. Nothing would please me more than to to eat crow from this entire post. But we have a 4 game sample size of dog sht and no one can 100% say if it’s coaching, youth, culture, development, too much *****, not enough *****, soft players, or the **** evil eye.
Regardless wtf it is, it better get fixed, purged, assassinated, or cleansed. Get a **** shaman, hit man, or an exorcist. I’ll even pitch in to get a crew of old Mexican ladies with 55 gallon drums of fabuloso to clean the entire football facilities.
This isn’t the south where players don’t give sht if you drop a few games. If this idiocracy continues we won’t have a 20-21 class to back up any improvements we may make this year. If we lay an egg against ****** tech we will have dudes jumping off this bus like ticks on a dog.
Been fkin saying it since game 1 Donaldson is a huge disappointment, hes too big. And that 3 man front is so anti-miami its laughable. You need to apply pressure and live with the results. Idk why we dnt use our DE depth and use them in a nascar package.

My last point is Enos NEEDS to take more shots dwn the field smh!!! Stretch the field vertically geezzz.
Regarding the OL "rebuild," Stefan was spot on. No such thing as quality veteran depth these days. Kids good enough to play will play or transfer. If Miami can't bring in talented linemen, coach them up, and get them ready to go from day 1, the OL will continue to be bad. Maybe not this bad... because this is really bad...but it will keep being bad.

There has been a direct correlation between the OL being bad and the program being bad for 15 years. This has been true whether the OL is young, veteran or even filled with future NFLers. I don't remember the last time I've been confident that the OL can get the push to convert on a 3rd and 1 against a halfway decent opponent.
Neither Nesta nor Bolden have played a down in this uniform. Why are we hyping dudes up for No reason again.
I thought Hill was draft pick? I’m not betting on anyone anymore till I see it. Tommy Kennedy??!!! Ninja please!!!!! Nesta is one of my favorite players from an attitude standpoint. But we haven’t seen it in the field.
Been drinking so much kool aid I got fckn hurricane diabetes and sht. Manny better have me on the **** keto diet or I’m going into a **** coma. Stop the **** hype and show us something.
Sick of the silver lining sht. We all should’ve known this was going to happen when Zion was announced as the starting left tackle. He has a bright future but he has no business starting for a team that wants to win the coastal regardless of how bad it is. Zion is a stroke of good luck on a team that lacks quality and depth on 2 very important positions. Oline and dB.
Of coarse John ford and miller are going to look like beasts against our oline in the spring. Of course our db’s look great when the qb is getting pressure. But bandy at this point doesn’t look like an outside corner this year.
I’ve been wrong on every player I’ve hyped up this year and last. Nothing would please me more than to to eat crow from this entire post. But we have a 4 game sample size of dog sht and no one can 100% say if it’s coaching, youth, culture, development, too much *****, not enough *****, soft players, or the **** evil eye.
Regardless wtf it is, it better get fixed, purged, assassinated, or cleansed. Get a **** shaman, hit man, or an exorcist. I’ll even pitch in to get a crew of old Mexican ladies with 55 gallon drums of fabuloso to clean the entire football facilities.
This isn’t the south where players don’t give sht if you drop a few games. If this idiocracy continues we won’t have a 20-21 class to back up any improvements we may make this year. If we lay an egg against ****** tech we will have dudes jumping off this bus like ticks on a dog.
Miller has looked **** good when they let him in there. That said, I also have the kool aid diabetes.. It sucks.
Regarding the OL "rebuild," Stefan was spot on. No such thing as quality veteran depth these days. Kids good enough to play will play or transfer. If Miami can't bring in talented linemen, coach them up, and get them ready to go from day 1, the OL will continue to be bad. Maybe not this bad... because this is really bad...but it will keep being bad.

There has been a direct correlation between the OL being bad and the program being bad for 15 years. This has been true whether the OL is young, veteran or even filled with future NFLers. I don't remember the last time I've been confident that the OL can get the push to convert on a 3rd and 1 against a halfway decent opponent.
Some what true but not entirely.
Norte dame and Oregon and some other including bama have dudes stay 4 or more years.
Alex leatherwood is a junior at bama he might or might not declare. And if he does Evan Neal got next. Maybe.
When Kirby made the final game 2 years ago his o line was almost all seniors I believe.
Some what true but not entirely.
Norte dame and Oregon and some other including bama have dudes stay 4 or more years.
Alex leatherwood is a junior at bama he might or might not declare. And if he does Evan Neal got next. Maybe.
When Kirby made the final game 2 years ago his o line was almost all seniors I believe.

My point isn't that a kid won't stay for 4 years. My point is that a good olineman is going to either play or transfer. He won't stick around and ride pine.
Manny Diaz failed when we lost to Florida the first game of the season. The season is beyond repair after losing to a sorry *** UNC team right after.

GT, FIU, and Duke are the only games I have us as “favorites” to win remaining on the schedule and we could lose to GT and Duke.

Dan Enos offense is trash, what’s the point of having an offense that takes 3 years to master in college football??
My point isn't that a kid won't stay for 4 years. My point is that a good olineman is going to either play or transfer. He won't stick around and ride pine.

I disagree. Biggest difference between our OL and Gators OL game 1 was their guys were older. They had to replace 4 guys on the OL, but instead of throwing a bunch of freshman into the fire they had older guys waiting on the bench. Our issue is we struck out badly with way too many of our OL. The 2016/2017 OL haul for us was Tre Johnson, ND, Gaynor, Herbert, Hillary, Dykstra. 2/6 look like they are playable. That's horrendous and that's on Searels.

2018/2019 looks a lot better with Scaife, J campbell, Zion, Clark, Traore, El Glammal. This is more about evaluations than anything else.
I disagree. Biggest difference between our OL and Gators OL game 1 was their guys were older. They had to replace 4 guys on the OL, but instead of throwing a bunch of freshman into the fire they had older guys waiting on the bench. Our issue is we struck out badly with way too many of our OL. The 2016/2017 OL haul for us was Tre Johnson, ND, Gaynor, Herbert, Hillary, Dykstra. 2/6 look like they are playable. That's horrendous and that's on Searels.

2018/2019 looks a lot better with Scaife, J campbell, Zion, Clark, Traore, El Glammal. This is more about evaluations than anything else.

That's it right there. If that's what you have over 2 cycles, …. (one is serviceable, one is average at best, and the others are complete busts when you instead expected them to contribute as sophomores/juniors), …. then you WILL fail. Period.
youre getting good at this podcasting stuff.. D$ get an iphone so we can hear you better on the call in (facetime audio)
With the kickbacks he may or may not be getting from black market you think he could or could not upgrade from a flip phone.
Kirby had at least two freshman, but there may have been three.
I stand corrected
His right tackle was a true freshman and his right guard was rs freshman. Both of them were top 10 ranked tackles nationally above 6’4 and over 300lbs. The back up left tackle also a freshman. Isiah Wilson at 6’7” 345lbs the 5th ranked tackle.
So all 3 of their freshman in 2017 would bench everyone on our line. While ours wouldn’t even make their roster.
That my friends is the difference between the haves and have nots.
And their starting left tackle now plays for the pats.
youre getting good at this podcasting stuff.. D$ get an iphone so we can hear you better on the call in (facetime audio)

Definitely improved in the past year.

I’d cringe if I was forced to listen to my first one ever again...

Lol Appreciate it
Regarding the OL "rebuild," Stefan was spot on. No such thing as quality veteran depth these days. Kids good enough to play will play or transfer. If Miami can't bring in talented linemen, coach them up, and get them ready to go from day 1, the OL will continue to be bad. Maybe not this bad... because this is really bad...but it will keep being bad.

There has been a direct correlation between the OL being bad and the program being bad for 15 years. This has been true whether the OL is young, veteran or even filled with future NFLers. I don't remember the last time I've been confident that the OL can get the push to convert on a 3rd and 1 against a halfway decent opponent.

That’s part of it, but what I was also trying to get at is that some of the backups are older than the starters, so just from that point of view they may end up leaving as well, regardless of talent level.

Either way, you’d think the backup OL would be chomping at the bit for playing time and working their *** off seeing how nobody’s on the starting OL should feel safe in their job at this point. But that’s just me