Comments (26)

The way you described Chaney sounds like what was said about lingard and we see he rides the pine

And if you remember the analysis of the 18 class, leadership and work ethic was stressed with them and we were told how much they had it and then manny tells us we have too many cancers on the team

So who knows what the reality is
The way you described Chaney sounds like what was said about lingard and we see he rides the pine

And if you remember the analysis of the 18 class, leadership and work ethic was stressed with them and we were told how much they had it and then manny tells us we have too many cancers on the team

So who knows what the reality is
The way you described Chaney sounds like what was said about lingard and we see he rides the pine

And if you remember the analysis of the 18 class, leadership and work ethic was stressed with them and we were told how much they had it and then manny tells us we have too many cancers on the team

So who knows what the reality is
Haven’t listened to the podcast yet but I will but have to assume he said it’s going to take an adjustment coming from the type of offense Chaney played in compared to college offense correct? That adjustment can be made as Todd gurley did it as he played in the same type of offense both Lingard/Chaney played in. Sometimes it just takes time but both will be fine.
Haven’t listened to the podcast yet but I will but have to assume he said it’s going to take an adjustment coming from the type of offense Chaney played in compared to college offense correct? That adjustment can be made as Todd gurley did it as he played in the same type of offense both Lingard/Chaney played in. Sometimes it just takes time but both will be fine.

it was more meant that
this sounds very similar to what was said about the 18 class
who were supposed to be the class to put us on top
there was so much hype about the leadership and character of that class
but it turns out that they are contributing to the cancer of the program according to manny
so who knows what the reality is
it just seems like were in a endless loop of repeating the same stuff
hopefully this class is it
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The way you described Chaney sounds like what was said about lingard and we see he rides the pine

And if you remember the analysis of the 18 class, leadership and work ethic was stressed with them and we were told how much they had it and then manny tells us we have too many cancers on the team

So who knows what the reality is

I agree with you. Made a comment on this in the signing day post. We always say we sign the good kids and miss the divas. Then the good kids become divas when we start losing.

We don’t really know what these kids are until they get here, and even then, the culture flows top down.
I agree with you. Made a comment on this in the signing day post. We always say we sign the good kids and miss the divas. Then the good kids become divas when we start losing.

We don’t really know what these kids are until they get here, and even then, the culture flows top down.

exactly the kids come and go
the common denominator is the coaches
I’m a hr in and this is a elite episode.
Roffers is amazing and needs a job on the staff forreal. I’d love to see a thread on numbers with our current roster. See who’s testing numbers are elite and so forth
You can't evaluate a Class until a few years after they have been here
You can't evaluate a Class until a few years after they have been here
Ofcourse you can’t. That’s why I said for the kids that’s already here. He’s been charting since 2014 so it’s able to be done
Romello Took The Auburn Bag$$$$$
Jimmy Johnson a HOF nascar driver/team owner said 1 time "if you aint cheating you aint trying to win" maybe bags played a role but the Auburn guy who was lead recruiter Rodney Garner is a monster Line recruiter at several stops in SEC.
If I am a recruit , i look at the staff at Miami and Auburn and say good luck Miami , hope you figure it out....
untilll school decides from President on down thru sorry AD dept we will be what B.Parcells says "you are what you are " were average sinking into so what status
The cancers could include the coaches, too.

And admin.


The way you described Chaney sounds like what was said about lingard and we see he rides the pine

And if you remember the analysis of the 18 class, leadership and work ethic was stressed with them and we were told how much they had it and then manny tells us we have too many cancers on the team

So who knows what the reality is
Excellent breaknown using analytics and film of HS players to grade and make projections. I liked the honest discussion with regards to its limitations and which analytics correlated best with performance on the field. For me film remains the gold standard because it measures what analytics can’t such as effort, physicality, leadership, football IQ, instincts, scheme fit, and “can he play” to name a few. Shaq is a perfect example of someone who had a productive college career, will probably get drafted, and will play in the league as a 2 down backer with average to above average HS analytics. He checked off all the boxes that analytics can’t grade.
Excellent breaknown using analytics and film of HS players to grade and make projections. I liked the honest discussion with regards to its limitations and which analytics correlated best with performance on the field. For me film remains the gold standard because it measures what analytics can’t such as effort, physicality, leadership, football IQ, instincts, scheme fit, and “can he play” to name a few. Shaq is a perfect example of someone who had a productive college career, will probably get drafted, and will play in the league as a 2 down backer with average to above average HS analytics. He checked off all the boxes that analytics can’t grade.

I feel like there should be a combination of the two. Curious as to which should carry more weight. Do you take the guy with average film but off the charts testing numbers? Or the guy with great film but average numbers? @DMoney @Lance Roffers

Also does Miami have an analytics guy on staff?
I feel like there should be a combination of the two. Curious as to which should carry more weight. Do you take the guy with average film but off the charts testing numbers? Or the guy with great film but average numbers? @DMoney @Lance Roffers

Also does Miami have an analytics guy on staff?
I think both is considered. Our fans complain about Shaq physical limitations but he’s athletic enough to be productive. He isn’t Vilma, Morgan, Spence, Lewis, etc but he’s a very good backer. I believe he also came in bigger than all of those players. I think if a player has glaring limitations, you can’t take them. I sort of felt that way about Yearby but he did run for 1k so better coaches would have helped him.

Then you may take 1 or 2 projects who have off the charts athleticism and try to develop them.
I'm happy to have Chaney. I'm happy to have Knighton. But I'm not stupid enough to believe they will succeed behind this line.