Comments (22)

Was D$ drunk? lol..

5 minutes in he has manny who hasnt coached a college game already goin to nfl and he has us on miami is back train with gator win..

Lmaooo.. very entertaining tho.. gawd bless him
Great review. A coaching change is one of the best times in a fan's life . . . anything and everything is possible . . . time to get real and look at the dings and dents . . . Good job.
This was dope! Y’all are funny as **** and Lu work on those name pronunciations homie!

Jay-Kwon Johnson 😂😂😂

And the way you said Tavares had me dead dawg!

Let’s go! I’m hyped up too can’t wait to read them camp reports
Ive said it a couple time, we beat UF game 1 and watchout. Its gonna snowball into something special very fast.
Yea i agree....i think UF has some quality coaching being that Mullets teams are usually pretty physical up front. Its a great sign if we win this one cause everyone on the schedule win or lose vs UF should be a win. But being that we love the U and dislike the fuq out of UF losing this game will sting hard.
This was dope! Y’all are funny as **** and Lu work on those name pronunciations homie!

Jay-Kwon Johnson 😂😂😂

And the way you said Tavares had me dead dawg!

Let’s go! I’m hyped up too can’t wait to read them camp reports
LOL. Didn't even notice. Now that you mention it, I think I've always said Jaquan that way. I'm Cuban, B. How the heck do you say Tavares? Tuh-va-ris, no? How else. Educate me, pls.

The cool thing about doing a pod with D$ is we do zero edits. We turn it on and talk for an hour. Attach some music. Upload. Share it.