PODCAST: D$ is back with a rebooted show and the return of Peter Ariz

Comments (327)

Do you think Leonard Taylor and Jacolby George received cars from a dealership because it just popped out of thin air? We work to get things done for these guys.

And who said they are paying commission?

We are not in this to take money out of college kids’ pockets.
No but it’s building that relationship so when they do opt for the NFL they feel a sense of loyalty to you guys for setting them up NIL deals and what not.
Pretending this isn’t the end game is so laughable. This is how business works and you not admitting it is really a red flag IMO. Nobody can blame you or say anything negative about it. The fact that you won’t admit it is what is troubling.
No but it’s building that relationship so when they do opt for the NFL they feel a sense of loyalty to you guys for setting them up NIL deals and what not.
Pretending this isn’t the end game is so laughable. This is how business works and you not admitting it is really a red flag IMO. Nobody can blame you or say anything negative about it. The fact that you won’t admit it is what is troubling.

Never said the NIL wasn’t an opportunity for us to build that relationship for the long term. That’s what makes it great — we can build a real foundation with them and they aren’t making decisions based off of sales pitches at the end of the agent process. It’s not necessarily “loyalty” because we help them get deals. But more about us showing them how we work and operate.

What I’ve said and will continue to maintain. The podcast does nothing to help us sign more players for NIL.
If you listened or watched, we make it known immediately that we are in the First Round Management studios. I never said FRM wouldn’t get marketed as a byproduct of us recording in the studio here at the office — what I said is that the fact that we have the podcast does not give us any more access to players than we already have now. In other words, we don’t need to invite a player on a podcast in order to meet them face-to-face or get them in the office for a meeting. There are plenty of cases recently as well where players reach out to us, not the other way around.

FRM has offered up their first-class studios for this project. Of course the logo will be in the background — brand recognition could be helped but this isn’t going to help us sign any more players than we already have or can still sign for NIL.
"Podcasting doesn’t butter any bread for me. There is no means to an end here. Doing this does nothing for any relationship with players."
"Podcasting doesn’t butter any bread for me. There is no means to an end here. Doing this does nothing for any relationship with players."

Doing this does nothing for any relationship with players. What don’t you understand about that?

We already have the relationships.
Which actions? Contrition for what?

I don’t feel like I need to “repair” anything. The last few years many people have made assumptions on things that are not true and I’m simply here setting the record straight
Just trying to give you some friendly advice. Obviously, you can take it or leave it. It’s no sweat off my *** one way or another. You do you and see how that works for you.
I will say you did ban me one time for a photoshopped Susan picture. It wasn’t the ban as much as the disappointment in your text that hurt.

In saying that.. are you kin to Susan? It would make sense. Are you Susan? Hi Susan. They’re just jokes. You are a fantastic beat reporter. 🥰
Fair, we are all a bit of family here.

No, I have no connection to Susan at all. I don’t think she’s a good reporter, her questions are terrible, however I don’t vibe with the degree of disrespect that posters feel justified holding toward her because of that poor job. Someone who knows her I’m sure does read this place, and would otherwise enjoy it. Even with that component removed she doesn’t deserve it as a human being. Same thing with the way Dan Mullen’s wife gets treated, and shes legit weird.

A male comp for me is Joe Z. I cannot stand his voice, I think he routinely ruins Miami games, and is awful at his job. He bothers me way more than SMD, because he’s an integral part of the experience of the game. But I’m not going to start mocking his body because of it. I still respect him as a person, just not at his job.

That’s all I have on it. I’m detailing at this point.
Pete - what you have just said is fair.

Obviously you are aware there is a narrative. I’ll admit to being jaded and being anti-Pete because of the way you present yourself when given the opportunity (the trolling, attitude, etc) that you have given off and the perception it creates.

You are a young buck. Obviously not a dumb one. An immature one at times but that is not exclusive to you.

You are addressing it now so better late than never but you know you have a perception out there about you and all kinds of people view and post on this boards.

When certain people connected or in the know with this program whom are trusted on this board by the members, and they come out and lambast against you it helps feed the narrative created by your profession that you are a slime bucket whether you like it or not, fair/unfair.

So I appreciate you speaking on it here and now since you are back but you gotta earn your reputation and goodwill.

Now, wether you care to or not, a whole different topic but don’t act surprised with the polarizing reaction.
I think we need hearings

Televise them.
Doing this does nothing for any relationship with players. What don’t you understand about that?

We already have the relationships.

Then why are you doing the podcast and coming back?

Can you answer that and if you have already answered, I must’ve of missed it.
Fair, we are all a bit of family here.

No, I have no connection to Susan at all. I don’t think she’s a good reporter, her questions are terrible, however I don’t vibe with the degree of disrespect that posters feel justified holding toward her because of that poor job. Someone who knows her I’m sure does read this place, and would otherwise enjoy it. Even with that component removed she doesn’t deserve it as a human being. Same thing with the way Dan Mullen’s wife gets treated, and shes legit weird.

A male comp for me is Joe Z. I cannot stand his voice, I think he routinely ruins Miami games, and is awful at his job. He bothers me way more than SMD, because he’s an integral part of the experience of the game. But I’m not going to start mocking his body because of it. I still respect him as a person, just not at his job.

That’s all I have on it. I’m detailing at this point.
The mockery of Mullet’s wife on here is 100% reasonable.

Then why are you doing the podcast and coming back?

Can you answer that and if you have already answered, I must’ve of missed it.

This is what I always did and enjoyed doing it. I got my degree in Broadcast Journalism and it’s something that has been a part of me. I’m glad I am doing what I do now, but I genuinely feel like there’s been a void for me since this was what I did from a young age.

I’m on the road a lot during the season and it’s a grind considering we have players on over half the teams in the league. Plus recruiting for next draft class all over the country. This is a fun outlet for me and I know I can provide valuable info for you all.

So I’m just excited to get back involved and I think the time is right. I have a different perspective than I had before and can probably offer more insight than ever on certain topics.
This is what I always did and enjoyed doing it. I got my degree in Broadcast Journalism and it’s something that has been a part of me. I’m glad I am doing what I do now, but I genuinely feel like there’s been a void for me since this was what I did from a young age.

I’m on the road a lot during the season and it’s a grind considering we have players on over half the teams in the league. Plus recruiting for next draft class all over the country. This is a fun outlet for me and I know I can provide valuable info for you all.

So I’m just excited to get back involved and I think the time is right. I have a different perspective than I had before and can probably offer more insight than ever on certain topics.
Post nudes or didn't happen.
Would love for @apfenny3 to chime in now that he has been with us for almost 6 months.
Peter is 100% right on players doing whatever they want at the end of the day. We share scouting reports gathered by team scouts and the school does that as well with players. Most only listen to what they want to hear and we’ve both lost out on many guys for telling them where they actually stand vs where they think they should be.

I really don’t recruit UM at all since I’m in Denver and focus on the west and Midwest. But having been around the program and south Florida long enough, this issue is exacerbated due to the fact of how many “handlers” and the mentality of so many athletes down there. Most are told how great they are since middle school and think they’re an outlier to the rule and are willing to bet on themselves.

Agents at Rosenhaus sports and other agencies are frequently taking their UM NIL clients to lunches/dinners, camps etc and posting about them, so this isn’t an FRM exclusive thing but just the new normal.
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