Comments (29)

Wow. Lots of good information - especially for those of us who no longer live in South Florida and don't have much familiarity with S. Florida recruits.

In you opinion - are we ahead of where we were last year in meeting our needs - and I know it's still VERY early. But branding, a good season under our belt, and Richt and crew's interactions with local schools, players, and coaches?
Didn't know Neal was related to Gary.

Definitely a Cane in the near future.

McKinnie #2 at LT in the future. If Wright joins him, that'll be an absolutely nasty OT combination in the future.
@Andrew any way the soundcloud link can show up on the site so we can just press play and listen? and maybe have it create a mini/compact player that sticks to the bottom left of the site (the empty green space) so we can listen while still browsing other threads. least for desktop
Did D answer my question about the lump on my gootch?
went to high school with Evan's mom, hopefully another UM great Jimmy Jones, who also went to high school with us, is in her ear.
Swamp Thing! Long story, but he saved my life as a kid. Great dude.

Jimmy is a great guy, that's why Jimmy Johnson gave him a scholarship even though he didn't play his senior year of high school, and he was not injured.
"I don't even know if I can say ****; can I say ****?"

Where is Jimmy Jones today?Last I heard he was a fishing guide for bass in Dallas.Loved the man.He invited me to the Super Bowl twice when he played at Dallas.
If Neal is as good as u say, bama will be on that *** hardbody............Lets lock that kid up asap